The other thing im curious about is this that im not sure about. I heard apple macbooks and iphones cannot get viruses or if they can, its very hard. So is it possible if you download any suspicious links on your iphone or install some strange program on your iphone, it could be compromised and any wallet you have such as breadwallet could be compromised? The other thing i wanted to know is this. Let say you have minikeepass on your iphone where you store your passwords. Keepass is what you have on your computer. So if you download a virus/malware or click something on your iphone, then log into your keepass program... by typing in your masterpassword etc, is it possible for a hacker to see every single account/password you have on minikeepass? Also what if you click on malware on your main computer and then you log into keepass. Could the hacker look at every account/password you created on keepass then?
About for viruses or malware or hacking never heard that IOS affected by malware or viruses but for hacking like phishing if you are not checking the website url if its fake or not it can be possible to hack your account..
I think iphone didn't allowed to installed any suspicious apps from apple store they are verifying it first before they can visible the apps in the appstore.
But i don't recommend to use the keepass because i heard that sometimes their database could not load properly and for me its not safe to use any 3rd party software just to save your important password or seeds.
To be safe highly recommended is to write down it into 2 pieces of paper and put them in to your safety places in your house or use hardware wallet instead just in case if you really wanted to be more safety..