Windows 7 no longer being updated might make it a bit more secure.
A lot of the time windows 10 "patches" aren't tested well (it's as if they don't have a testing department anymore) and cause many systems to face a large amount of issues when they update the OS (every Windows update does the same).
An ingenious statement that certainly deserves to be remembered. Do you really think that a system that has lost official support is better than one that has one? If it is true that Microsoft is not testing files before making them public, it's a really idiotic move.
I'd suggest getting an AV if you're ever going to use windows and this should mitigate a lot of the problems the OS has (as long as you're not stupid and keep your firewall activated if you don't know what you're doing).
How antivirus software or firewall "should mitigate a lot of the problems" with any OS? They are not designed to patch holes in the operating system. And how is stupid to keep firewall ON all time, my is always activated and I have zero problems.
I think windows 9 is quite a lot like windows 7 on the inside (obviously haven't decompiled it but I have used it and it works quite well) - it was an OS for microcontrollers and signage systems. Any critical vulnerabilities will probably be patched until windows 9 stops being supported.
I've never heard of the W9, but some people call W10 like that - because they follow the logic that 9 logically comes after 8. To me, this is just unnecessary confusion. I don't agree that any Windows OS can be 100% patched, and I'm sure that won't be the case with the W10.