Please how do i get my electrum sync with blockchain?
I have and old version of electrum wallet portable version 1.7 running on windows 11 that i had being using since 2013 till date but after changing my internet modem. I started receiving an error when i open my electrum saying
"A problem occurred when attempting to sync with the blockchain. Try manually running resync.cmd"
The worst is that i had misplaced my seeds and master keys i only have just the files backed up on my onedrive. I would be very happy if you can assist me sir.
From what I know that old versions of Electrum are not handled by the servers.
I am not familiar with how Electrum 1.7 was, but, based on the UI of current Electrum maybe you can try some things:
* one direction could be to check if you have the seed symbol on bottom-right, or in menus (wallet->seed maybe?) and try to recover the seed, which then you enter in a new Electrum (which you should verify before you use, for your own money's safety, see
* another direction could be to enable Addresses tab (view->show addresses) and for each funded address right-click and get the private key. Those private keys then you add into new Electrum (import addresses or private keys, see the info at the next step, ..)
If one of these works and you need more help, ask more precisely.
I will add that keeping your wallet or seed online can get your coins stolen.
Even doing this kind of operations on a computer connected to the internet is risky.
I advise you get a hardware wallet as soon as you've recovered the 0.6 BTC, then move your coins into hardware wallet's safety.
I also advise you ignore help on private channels (private messages, telegram, whatever) because they can easily lead to you getting scammed.