I appreciate your information.
One more thing. I have been experimenting with generating a wallet from my own random seed. The whole Idea was to be able to generate a wallet from a logical 12-13 word phrase, a phrase that would be easy for me to remember, but improbable for anyone else to come up with. I have not been successful with the phrase, however, I have been successful in creating a wallet from random words that I came up with on 2 occasions (most combinations don´t work). The first time it was a seed made up of 10 words. The second time, it was a seed of 12 words and the letters "ba" at the end.
How was I able to do this? Any advice on coming up with a seed made up of a logical phrase?
First of all, this is actually a bad idea. The concept was called a Brainwallet because the seed (passphrase) was something that was in your brain. Brainwallets were actually addresses, while this is for a whole wallet. While you may think that the phrase you came up with is completely unguessable by someone else, you are actually limited to 12 or 13 words from a specific wordlist (Ill get to that below), so it may not be terribly hard for someone to brute force the seed and steal all of the Bitcoin that you have.
If you still want to do this, then you need to pull words from the wordlists here:
https://github.com/spesmilo/electrum/tree/master/lib/wordlist. Only words that come from these lists (and they all have to be the same language) can be used in the seed.