This really helped. I can find an Electrum icon within the Ubuntu software. Now, I have one more question, what happens if I remove the desktop icon [ electrum.desktop ]? When I click it, it opens snippets.
It's only a shortcut, so Electrum is still installed. However, you must electrum from terminal with command electrum or full path of electrum executable which might be annoying.
nano ~/Desktop/electrum.desktop
# Paste the following code inside the editor, save and close.
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Lightweight Bitcoin Wallet.
GenericName=Bitcoin Wallet.
# Download icon for the shortcut
cd /opt/
sudo mkdir -p electrum
cd electrum
sudo wget
sudo mv Apps-Electrum-icon.png electrum-icon.png
# Change shortcut permission
chmod +x ~/Desktop/electrum.desktop
# Add shortcut to launcher
sudo cp ~/Desktop/electrum.desktop /usr/share/applications/
Don't follow the guide blindly, the location of Electrum might be different. Use command which electrum to find actual path where Electrum is installed.