Electrum seed has 13 words in it when you use version 2.x and it was 12 words before in version 1.x http://docs.electrum.org/en/latest/seedphrase.html#length-of-the-seed-phrase
so unless seed is different in wallets with 2FA, it should still be 13 words not 25.
seed mnemonic is indeed 25 words for 2FA wallets.
heres a link of someone with the same situation... could it be the version im using? how can i downgrade ?
So you have the 25 word seed and you selected the correct type of wallet when attempting to restore the wallet (as show in the image here)? If your answer is yes to both questions then the possibilities are as follows:
1) the words are mispelt or the wrong words
2) the order of the words is incorrect
3) there is a bug in electrum.
Let's rule out 1 and 2 before we go blaming electrum, OK? If you go to this URL below you will find the entire electrum english language dictionary. All the words that electrum uses to represent seeds are listed there. See if all the words in your seed are listed there and the spelling is correct:
If you find all 25 words of your seed there then it's down to the order of the words. If all 25 words are not found there then see if you can figure out what the mistake is i.e. mispelling or typo or what.
problem solved... i must of had a word misspelled or something.. i restarted the computer and just kept typing the seed over and over and finally the next button was clickable... i feel stupid... but thanks for the replies and help guys.... learned some things in this process