
Topic: Eleven Minutes of Doctors on the Ground. (Read 506 times)

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
May 05, 2020, 05:29:49 PM
meanwhile. badecker should be very happy

in badeckers homestate of arizona. it did not have many cases when the nation went into lockdown thus become one of the states that was not impacted much by it. and is going to be the first states to relax its lockdown.
trump got advised that arizona's lockdown relaxation is impending and so is travelling to arizona to pretend his presence will declare the states relaxation official.

so badecker gets to see his idol who he tries to emulate. yep trumps going to arizona.
now badecker finally has an excuse to get out of his basement for an oppertunity to meet his idol

BADecker is very happy. Why? Because Tash, using the same reporting processes as are used to "prove" there is a pandemic, has shown us statistics of CV deaths from around the world. Check it out at Tash's post at China, 3 deaths per million.

And from, "Millions of people trav[el]ed long before anyone even know the covid disease existed or test where available. Shanghai has less than 10 people died form it."

F-1, you are so far off in your calc, that you are the laughing stock of the world.

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Good thing that hydroxychloroquine studies are coming out successful against Covid, when hydroxychloroquine is combined with zinc.

what badecker does not realise is the antiviral element of HCQ does not work. what does happen is it adjusts the bodies acidity.
what he does not realise is that by relaxing the acidity your body takes longer to realise its being invaded by a virus. meaning your immune system doesnt get a fever or cough due to a immuno response imflamation.

--- bunch more F-1 words ---

What F-1 doesn't seem to realize is, whatever is happening when HQ is applied along with zinc, people are getting well and staying well.

Maybe it has to do with faith... placebo action. Who cares? Doing it is getting the job done.

What if the curing has to do with the shape of the pill, and the lettering on it? What if it has to do with some of the packaging molecules that stick to the pills? Who cares? Right now we need what works, and HQ combined with zinc is working.

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
meanwhile. badecker should be very happy

in badeckers homestate of arizona. it did not have many cases when the nation went into lockdown thus become one of the states that was not impacted much by it. and is going to be the first states to relax its lockdown.
trump got advised that arizona's lockdown relaxation is impending and so is travelling to arizona to pretend his presence will declare the states relaxation official.

so badecker gets to see his idol who he tries to emulate. yep trumps going to arizona.
now badecker finally has an excuse to get out of his basement for an oppertunity to meet his idol
Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
Good thing that hydroxychloroquine studies are coming out successful against Covid, when hydroxychloroquine is combined with zinc.

what badecker does not realise is the antiviral element of HCQ does not work. what does happen is it adjusts the bodies acidity.
what he does not realise is that by relaxing the acidity your body takes longer to realise its being invaded by a virus. meaning your immune system doesnt get a fever or cough due to a immuno response imflamation.

it does not kill the just stops/delays the immuno response
 so while having no immuno response symptoms(fever) the virus is still doing damage.

lowering your acidity via HCQ or even vit C which makes your body reduce its acidity to counter the new acidity added to your body by the treatment. means the virus can do more damage before the virus re-raises the acidity back above a level where your body realises something is wrong

in short the patient skips having a fever(natural good response) and goes straight to pneumonia/Hemoptysis(coughing up blood)(the viral damage)
and being breathless and needing Cpap/ventilator treatment. along with the virus getting into the blood and then affecting other organs with ace2 receptors like the kidneys

this is why when people that have taken it SEEM WELL. then suddenly get worse

its the same as the vitamin treatment. where badecker himself linked a video of a australian guy that took it. but when not taking it he got worse.
not because he got reinfected. not because the virus reactivated. but because the treatment was just hiding the symptoms but still active, doing damage

the guy was in hospital for many weeks.. not released in days.
the doctors had to stop the vitamin treatment to allow the immune response to realise it was being attacked to activate the immune response to fight it.

which proves it didnt work to destroy the virus.

having a fever is a GOOD thing. it shows your body recognises something is wrong
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Good thing that hydroxychloroquine studies are coming out successful against Covid, when hydroxychloroquine is combined with zinc.

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
Even if Chloroquine is a good medicine for Coronavirus it might create a lot of problems to those who take this medication.
It is one of the heaviest drug out there and can have a lot of side effects.
This is the reason why it was not so much used for other cases as well.

some studies have now completed and not found significant benefit. and with the risky side effects they decided its not a good therapeutic.
they are still doing trials on lots of other medications/therapeutics. but hydrochloroquin has been ruled out of providing any significant benefit.

the other 'promoted brand' med is ramdesivir.. but that too didnt sow any promising results
other therapeutics include using recovered patients plasma(containing antibodies)
other meds are being trialed
Activity: 980
Merit: 62
Even if Chloroquine is a good medicine for Coronavirus it might create a lot of problems to those who take this medication.
It is one of the heaviest drug out there and can have a lot of side effects.
This is the reason why it was not so much used for other cases as well.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
funny part is gates was talking about meat over a year ago..
but suddenly it only becomes a thought in badeckers mind and a meme buzzword to use when his cult websites spoonfeed info to him

give badecker a fish. he will accuse it of being a government spy.. teach badecker to fish for himself he will call it a psyop campaign and prefer his religious guru to feed him

Thanks for the heads-up, franky1. But I think the people know that many of the various forms of the Coronvirus have been around for a couple of decades, now. Originally, CV was probably just a byproduct of frankenmeat. But now that they see that it works so well, they are probably using it as the main course.

Thanks for bringing this out into the forefront, although most of us already knew it.

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
funny part is gates was talking about meat over a year ago..
but suddenly it only becomes a thought in badeckers mind and a meme buzzword to use when his cult websites spoonfeed info to him

give badecker a fish. he will accuse it of being a government spy..
teach badecker to fish. he will call it a psyop campaign

badecker prefers his religious/cultish/faux media influencers to feed him

edit post to reply to below without bumping:
actual science(not badecker myth) shows that the virus came via a pangolin. via a virus that is also present in bats.
so a better theory actually showing scientific linkage would be:
bat sh*ts on pangolins back. chinese farmers catch pangolins to sell at market but touches it too much without washing.
Cv shares no RNA with manufactured/grown in lab beef
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Soon he will be acknowledging that there is no CV threat,

and now he goes back to stupidity of months ago..
2 steps forward 5 steps back in badeckers case

and badecker if you atlease want to try calling me a insult.. try better
heck call me a sausage.. you know .. frankfurter
because 'frankenmeat' is just childish

Remember that I told you this first. But now we are seeing that Dr. virus-Gates, himself, is growing frankenmeat. I wonder how much of it is fresh Covid-19 virus?

Note that if the links in the quote don't work, go to quoted site itself.

Guess Who's Growing Your Meat? - #NewWorldNextWeek

Welcome to the 406th episode of New World Next Week — the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week:

Story #1: Bill Gates Worked To End Livestock Production, Pushed Lab Grown Meat

President Trump Readies Bailout For Nation's Food Suppliers

Bill Gates Among 117 Foreigners To Be Decorated By Japan

Please Stop The Ride

Story #2: New Microsoft Bitcoin Mining System Set to Transform BTC Mining

Guess Who's Growing Your Meat? - #NewWorldNextWeek

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
badeckers getting desperate. he is realising no one is believing his bullcrap s recently he has started to make his messages bold.

in a few months he still wont realise he is an idiot. but he will change his tune and flip flop to a different narrative. its what those who are ahead of him have done. so he just needs to catch up to them

Thanks again, franky1, for helping me show people that Coronavirus is a hoax. I don't really want you to get in trouble with your peers, but I just can't admire you enough for the way that you are helping me advertise, while protecting yourself in their eyes.

I appreciate you, buddy. Keep on advertising me, so that people look at what I say. After all, we both want people to live good healthy lives, don't we? I know I do.

To that end, anybody who is reading this, go watch the video in the OP again. And thank franky1 for helping to advertise me and the videos I show.

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
badeckers getting desperate. he is realising no one is believing his bullcrap s recently he has started to make his messages bold.

in a few months he still wont realise he is an idiot. but he will change his tune and flip flop to a different narrative. its what those who are ahead of him have done. so he just needs to catch up to them
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
injecting citric acid into patients arms in a car park really looks like genuine doctor treatment
also if its curing it the doctors wont need to gown up because they can just take the cure themselves

your an idiot to think that carpark cash-in-hand services are medical cures.

Doctors are doctors. They wear PPE because it is their position, like a cop wears a uniform. But you are right. They don't need to gown-up as you call it.

The point isn't how genuine it looks. The point is that it is working extremely well. If it wasn't working well, they would have gotten sick and died long ago, especially considering how old they are... and the video wouldn't exist.

So, thanks for promoting this thread by advertising me and the thread.

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
injecting citric acid into patients arms in a car park really looks like genuine doctor treatment
also if its curing it the doctors wont need to gown up because they can just take the cure themselves

your an idiot to think that carpark cash-in-hand services are medical cures.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Soon he will be acknowledging that there is no CV threat,

and now he goes back to stupidity of months ago..
2 steps forward 5 steps back in badeckers case

and badecker if you atlease want to try calling me a insult.. try better
heck call me a sausage.. you know .. frankfurter
because 'frankenmeat' is just childish

Come on, franky1! Nobody could insult you anywhere near the amount that you insult yourself, even if they wanted to.

Anything that you think is an insult from me to you, is me attempting to bring you out of your self-delusions. I feel kinda sorry for you. And all the moreso since you don't even seem to recognize how you are insulting yourself all the time, even when I point it out to you nicely.

Doctors on the ground are showing you, right in video of what they are doing and saying, that they are curing the so-called Coronavirus with nutrition. You want to believe other doctors that say that it doesn't work this way. But you want to insult the doctors in the video in the OP by essentially calling them liars.

You poor, deluded, little fella. Don't you realize that treatments like these doctors are doing are the only thing that is working? What is it working against? Since the CV testing is flawed, it is working against all kinds of CV, flu, colds, pneumonia, etc.

True, these doctors are literally putting themselves out of a job in the long run, because once the people ralize it is nutrition that heals them, they won't need a doctor any longer. But these doctors are scared of the fake pandemic just like everyone else. They were trained as doctors, not as nutritional therapists. So, they didn't really know that nutrition worked until they tested it out for themselves. But you essentially call them liars.

Don't you see what you are doing? You are calling all doctors liars. And even if you are only selective in the doctors you call liars, you are insulting some of them. But the big part of it is, if there are lying doctors, who knows which ones? We are finding out that it is the lying Coronavirus-promoting doctors that are the liars.

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
Soon he will be acknowledging that there is no CV threat,

and now he goes back to stupidity of months ago..
2 steps forward 5 steps back in badeckers case

and badecker if you atlease want to try calling me a insult.. try better
heck call me a sausage.. you know .. frankfurter
because 'frankenmeat' is just childish
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
ok so .. we are at the stage of the scripts where badecker finally acknowledges that covid is real but the case numbers are low
i take that as an indication that badecker is now reading scripts based on info from late january/start of february.

so we having a little progress..
now badecker no going backwards to your december/january scripts.

keep moving forward.. infact skip a few dozen of your scripts and start to find stuff related to april 2020

Lol. franky1 is finally catching up to what I said weeks ago. Soon he will be acknowledging that there is no CV threat, and that he, himself, is a form of Covid-19 Frankenmeat. Cheesy

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
ok so .. we are at the stage of the scripts where badecker finally acknowledges that covid is real but the case numbers are low
i take that as an indication that badecker is now reading scripts based on info from late january/start of february.

so we having a little progress..
now badecker no going backwards to your december/january scripts.

keep moving forward.. infact skip a few dozen of your scripts and start to find stuff related to april 2020
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
doctors did not gown up during seasonal flu
so by those doctors you promote gowning up. they are treating it as not the same as seasonal flu

if their service worked. they would take it themselves and not need to take extra precautions

your an utter idiot to think it works when the evidence even by the doctors own actions show it does not work.
again for the reason of your ignorance to common sense

if it was seasonal flu and not dangerous and there was medicine that worked. doctors would not need to isolate patients by doing carpark services. doctors would not need to gown up when approaching people.

your ignorance seems to be more aimed at wanting to keep fiat alive without you even understanding anything learned on this very forum over the last few years that fiat is debt money and not worth the paper its printed on.
you preference to protect fiat even at the cost of human suffering/death is stupid beyond belief.
especially when you are just repeating mantra's of other cultist faux news influencers but cannot yourself find a personal reason for how your lifestyle has been impacted.

by the way arizona still do food delivery and you can still play golf. yet you pretend that only sweden and not arizona have them benefits.
by the way you can walk out your door and go for a walk, jog, bike ride. you can (if your d enough, but i doubt it) drive a car.
by the way there is no law forcing you to only view a handful of websites. you are free to explore the entire internet.

If there is one thing doctors know, it is that they don't know everything. If they use PPE (personal protective equipment), it's because they don't know everything. What they did worked. And it would have worked if they didn't wear PPE

Covid-19 is probably dangerous for a few people. The death numbers are for a small number of Covid-19 patients, and a large number of people who have something else... something else which has been called Covid-19 even though it isn't Covid-19, but rather is standard stuff that people die from every year. Be smart like the doctors. Use PPE when handling people who are sick from all these other diseases, and Covid-19 as well.

Oh, btw, thanks for letting us know what we can do in Arizona. Now that we have such a favorable CV climate here, are you in the process of moving to where we are free? Or do you like your slavery?

When people finally wake up to this pandemic scam - as they are doing - they will be awfully angry with their leaders and the medical.

Some Washington State Sheriffs Begin Refusing To Enforce Gov. Inslee's Lockdown Orders

The dominant subject of dissent among these law enforcement officials centers around what are regarded as unconstitutional intrusions by the governor enacted against the citizens of their respective counties and the inconsistency of regulations applied unequally by the state.

It is my belief that unless a strong reversal of Governor Inslee's resolve to remain steadfast in his prosecution of ordinary Washingtonians is not fielded soon, the "insubordination" as he claims will only grow and serve to weaken his position, adding spark to a movement against him and his office if it continues in its present form for months.

The time has come for the governor to put his ego aside. For if he chooses to adversarily engage these sheriffs and others who will come to join them he will lose in the courts of public opinion of these various counties.

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
doctors did not gown up during seasonal flu
so by those doctors you promote gowning up. they are treating it as not the same as seasonal flu

if their service worked. they would take it themselves and not need to take extra precautions

your an utter idiot to think it works when the evidence even by the doctors own actions show it does not work.
again for the reason of your ignorance to common sense

if it was seasonal flu and not dangerous and there was medicine that worked. doctors would not need to isolate patients by doing carpark services. doctors would not need to gown up when approaching people.

your ignorance seems to be more aimed at wanting to keep fiat alive without you even understanding anything learned on this very forum over the last few years that fiat is debt money and not worth the paper its printed on.
you preference to protect fiat even at the cost of human suffering/death is stupid beyond belief.
especially when you are just repeating mantra's of other cultist faux news influencers but cannot yourself find a personal reason for how your lifestyle has been impacted.

by the way arizona still do food delivery and you can still play golf. yet you pretend that only sweden and not arizona have them benefits.
by the way you can walk out your door and go for a walk, jog, bike ride. you can (if your d enough, but i doubt it) drive a car.
by the way there is no law forcing you to only view a handful of websites. you are free to explore the entire internet.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
^^^ Forget... "Eleven Minutes of Doctors on the Ground."

It'll take you "Eleven Years on the Ground" just to understand what the doctors are saying.


i watched it and explained it to you because you seem to not have understood what was shown to you.
again to remind you
doctors pretending to have the cure. are video'd not treating people in a clinic. because they fear patients passing it to each other. they (the doctors) also gowned up in full protective gear.

heck you even have it in your preview. yet you cant even understand what your looking at

again. if their stuff actually worked they would not need to wear gowns/ carpark treat. they would just handle patients normally.
so why in gowns. what do they fear getting

I'm sorta embarrassed. It might take you eleven years to understand the video. But it would take me eleven years just to understand the way you think, so that I could understand what you are even saying. But that's something I don't really want to do... understand the way you think. I would simply rather go on understanding the video in the normal way people think and make videos.

1. i understood the video in seconds of watching it.
you still dont understand
if the doctors giving out the carpark cure think its actually a cure. then what are they fearing by gowning up and separating people away from normal clinic patients.
if their cure worked they wouldnt need to protect themselves

2. fear is not the cause of death of covid. doctors can tell the difference between a panic attack and hypoxia induced by pneumonia caused by the corona virus

3. you prefer to be spoon fed stuff like cult followers are spoonfed. you seem to only want to surround yourself with these type of people which makes your LIMITED scope how people think, limited to cultish methods. its called cabin fever and is a psychological disorder. aka being stupid and ignorant to the real world

#1 - Nobody cares if it's a cure or not. People only care if it works. It works. Gowning-up is what doctors often wear. Besides, they are doctors. Doctors have been brainwashed into gowning up when treating disease, whether or not the "medicine" works.

#2 - The thing that doctors can't tell is if it was caused by CV or something else... without elaborate testing of each and every patient.

#3 - I want to be understanding with you. But the things you say in #3 are exactly what you see when you look in a mirror.

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
^^^ Forget... "Eleven Minutes of Doctors on the Ground."

It'll take you "Eleven Years on the Ground" just to understand what the doctors are saying.


i watched it and explained it to you because you seem to not have understood what was shown to you.
again to remind you
doctors pretending to have the cure. are video'd not treating people in a clinic. because they fear patients passing it to each other. they (the doctors) also gowned up in full protective gear.

heck you even have it in your preview. yet you cant even understand what your looking at

again. if their stuff actually worked they would not need to wear gowns/ carpark treat. they would just handle patients normally.
so why in gowns. what do they fear getting

I'm sorta embarrassed. It might take you eleven years to understand the video. But it would take me eleven years just to understand the way you think, so that I could understand what you are even saying. But that's something I don't really want to do... understand the way you think. I would simply rather go on understanding the video in the normal way people think and make videos.

1. i understood the video in seconds of watching it.
you still dont understand
if the doctors giving out the carpark cure think its actually a cure. then what are they fearing by gowning up and separating people away from normal clinic patients.
if their cure worked they wouldnt need to protect themselves

2. fear is not the cause of death of covid. doctors can tell the difference between a panic attack and hypoxia induced by pneumonia caused by the corona virus

3. you prefer to be spoon fed stuff like cult followers are spoonfed. you seem to only want to surround yourself with these type of people which makes your LIMITED scope how people think, limited to cultish methods. its called cabin fever and is a psychological disorder. aka being stupid and ignorant to the real world
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Death is inevitable, so never hide from life, and never allow a moment of life to be taken from you by tyrants. All government is tyrannical, and all government seeks power and control, and today it is using a purposely-created crisis in order to gain that control. We are being told by false rulers to abandon our lives, and hide away from those we care about in order to stop a virus. This is the highest form of deception, and is only meant to divide us so sinister agendas can be accomplished in the shadows.

It has been forgotten in this day and age of total fear that our bodies, not governments, are our defense against viral agents. Maybe a few will learn from this fakery that germs are our friends. Unless our bodies are exposed to germs and viruses, natural defenses against sickness disappear, leaving the body vulnerable to every sort of germ and virus. Listening to these political trimmers therefore is detrimental to our health.


Coronaviruses are not a threat to healthy humans with strong immune systems. Viruses cannot replicate in that environment, which means symptoms and sickness are rarely present. In addition, sunshine and high vitamin D levels are of great importance, as is diet, exercise, sleep, and relaxing calm. What this means is that government and its idiotic mandates are actually killing many people, and those deaths are due to the very governing body that is lying about how to protect your health. They are in fact causing much death, much more so than this so-called Covid-19.

Where in the world do you find these sources? Diet, exercise, and sleep are all factors that help towards immunity but they don't have a direct impact on coronavirus. I get skeptics, but is the argument that 54,000 people that have died from COVID-19 is a made up figure? Or is the argument that those who died, died for the reason of being in containment for so long?

Isolation and quarantining does not cost death or somehow weaken the immune system to the point that it causes death and I'm not sure if you're being serious.

The sources are in the links. All you have to do to find them is look for them.

So far, there isn't any proof of what the people died from. As showed in the video at (and others) several major people and organizations have said that if you don't know what they died from call it Covid-19. If the symptoms are similar to Covid-19, call it Covid-19, no matter what it is. Among the people saying this is Dr. Deborah Brix (heading up Trump's team), and the CDC.

If you enjoy the media, why do you enjoy only what you like to enjoy, and not the media that is closer to the truth?

The herd immunity talked about in the video shows that this pandemic isn't any worse than the standard flu season.

Btw, I seriously posted the link. I don't seriously agree with all of it or none of it.

Activity: 2828
Merit: 1514
Death is inevitable, so never hide from life, and never allow a moment of life to be taken from you by tyrants. All government is tyrannical, and all government seeks power and control, and today it is using a purposely-created crisis in order to gain that control. We are being told by false rulers to abandon our lives, and hide away from those we care about in order to stop a virus. This is the highest form of deception, and is only meant to divide us so sinister agendas can be accomplished in the shadows.

It has been forgotten in this day and age of total fear that our bodies, not governments, are our defense against viral agents. Maybe a few will learn from this fakery that germs are our friends. Unless our bodies are exposed to germs and viruses, natural defenses against sickness disappear, leaving the body vulnerable to every sort of germ and virus. Listening to these political trimmers therefore is detrimental to our health.


Coronaviruses are not a threat to healthy humans with strong immune systems. Viruses cannot replicate in that environment, which means symptoms and sickness are rarely present. In addition, sunshine and high vitamin D levels are of great importance, as is diet, exercise, sleep, and relaxing calm. What this means is that government and its idiotic mandates are actually killing many people, and those deaths are due to the very governing body that is lying about how to protect your health. They are in fact causing much death, much more so than this so-called Covid-19.

Where in the world do you find these sources? Diet, exercise, and sleep are all factors that help towards immunity but they don't have a direct impact on coronavirus. I get skeptics, but is the argument that 54,000 people that have died from COVID-19 is a made up figure? Or is the argument that those who died, died for the reason of being in containment for so long?

Isolation and quarantining does not cost death or somehow weaken the immune system to the point that it causes death and I'm not sure if you're being serious.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
^^^ Forget... "Eleven Minutes of Doctors on the Ground."

It'll take you "Eleven Years on the Ground" just to understand what the doctors are saying.


i watched it and explained it to you because you seem to not have understood what was shown to you.
again to remind you
doctors pretending to have the cure. are video'd not treating people in a clinic. because they fear patients passing it to each other. they (the doctors) also gowned up in full protective gear.

heck you even have it in your preview. yet you cant even understand what your looking at

again. if their stuff actually worked they would not need to wear gowns/ carpark treat. they would just handle patients normally.
so why in gowns. what do they fear getting

I'm sorta embarrassed. It might take you eleven years to understand the video. But it would take me eleven years just to understand the way you think, so that I could understand what you are even saying. But that's something I don't really want to do... understand the way you think. I would simply rather go on understanding the video in the normal way people think and make videos.

Being Afraid and Eliminating Exposure to Germs Leads to Death by Fear and Germs...

Death is inevitable, so never hide from life, and never allow a moment of life to be taken from you by tyrants. All government is tyrannical, and all government seeks power and control, and today it is using a purposely-created crisis in order to gain that control. We are being told by false rulers to abandon our lives, and hide away from those we care about in order to stop a virus. This is the highest form of deception, and is only meant to divide us so sinister agendas can be accomplished in the shadows.

It has been forgotten in this day and age of total fear that our bodies, not governments, are our defense against viral agents. Maybe a few will learn from this fakery that germs are our friends. Unless our bodies are exposed to germs and viruses, natural defenses against sickness disappear, leaving the body vulnerable to every sort of germ and virus. Listening to these political trimmers therefore is detrimental to our health.


Coronaviruses are not a threat to healthy humans with strong immune systems. Viruses cannot replicate in that environment, which means symptoms and sickness are rarely present. In addition, sunshine and high vitamin D levels are of great importance, as is diet, exercise, sleep, and relaxing calm. What this means is that government and its idiotic mandates are actually killing many people, and those deaths are due to the very governing body that is lying about how to protect your health. They are in fact causing much death, much more so than this so-called Covid-19.

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
^^^ Forget... "Eleven Minutes of Doctors on the Ground."

It'll take you "Eleven Years on the Ground" just to understand what the doctors are saying.


i watched it and explained it to you because you seem to not have understood what was shown to you.
again to remind you
doctors pretending to have the cure. are video'd not treating people in a clinic. because they fear patients passing it to each other. they (the doctors) also gowned up in full protective gear.

heck you even have it in your preview. yet you cant even understand what your looking at

again. if their stuff actually worked they would not need to wear gowns/ carpark treat. they would just handle patients normally.
so why in gowns. what do they fear getting
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
^^^ Forget... "Eleven Minutes of Doctors on the Ground."

It'll take you "Eleven Years on the Ground" just to understand what the doctors are saying.

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
now your showing your insanity..
time for you to take a break and collect your thoughts. sober up maybe.
heck even maybe hire your male escort that dresses up as a chiropractor.

maybe you just need a bit of contact with a real human being. to bring you more towards sanity
because you seem to be losing grip on the real world
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
oh just for fun lets use badeckers own mindset
badecker cannot prove the guy had a beard or a gun
heck badecker cant even prove there was a vehicle

also why is it all of a sudden made a point that a guy has a rifle in his car.. made to sound sinister
i thought badecker was one of those guys that had no problem with open carry

is badecker suddenly now thinking that a guy with a gun looks automatically more dangerous.
OMG it cant be the beard that needed to be highlighted as the thing that sounded terrifying

now more seriously
she made up a story to sell another book

Except that she has proof in her books, and all you have is blab.

It's okay, though. You are probably a sweet, fuzzy little guy way down deep in yourself... somewhere.


EDIT: What!? You're a gal? I guess we knew that. Post a picture of yourself, eh?
Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
oh just for fun lets use badeckers own mindset
badecker cannot prove the guy had a beard or a gun
heck badecker cant even prove there was a vehicle

also why is it all of a sudden made a point that a guy has a rifle in his car.. made to sound sinister
i thought badecker was one of those guys that had no problem with open carry

is badecker suddenly now thinking that a guy with a gun looks automatically more dangerous.
OMG it cant be the beard that needed to be highlighted as the thing that sounded terrifying

now more seriously
she made up a story to sell another book
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
April 23, 2020, 11:04:09 PM
Ernie Hancock has interview Dr. Judy Mikiovits a couple times a month for ages. Ernie doesn't mess around.


In late October of 2011, Dr. Mikovits was riding her bike down Harbor Boulevard and through the sand dunes of McGrath State Park in Oxnard, California when a white pickup truck with Nevada plates pulled in front of her and parked by the side of the road.  The driver was a large man with a beard; his brown hair tucked under a baseball cap. He had a rifle mounted in the back window. As Judy passed him, he was holding up his cell phone, as if taking pictures.

If that wasn't bad enough, the man did this several more times—pulling ahead of her, parking, letting her ride past him—in what seemed to be some sort of bizarre dance, before finally driving away.

When Dr. Mikovits arrived at the Pierpont Bay Yacht Club, she told her friends what had happened and they, knowing the intense issues surrounding Judy's xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (XMRV) study, were terrified for her.

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
April 23, 2020, 11:58:22 AM
already debunked that woman

dang badecker your 8 years out of date. that got debunked prior to 2012
here let me catch you up. again..

she is known as a poster girl for conspiracy theories. getting paid to speak on behalf of stupid conspiracies and lending her title to make it look like the stupid stories have validity.
she has been caught claiming things that were not hers as hers. and claiming that a leukaemia causing virus caused chronic fatique syndrome.
she was caught out because she kept asking for substantial research grants to research things that just wouldnt pan out. basically she just wanted to waste time for a few years and get paid for it

yea she got angry they said no to her begs for research money. and then cried publicly that her being denied means millions would die.
however other scientists who actually knew what they were doing done actual research and used their research grants more wisely
so now she is stuck doing conference tour speaches and writing books about her stories
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
April 22, 2020, 08:48:55 PM
Check out the multitude of links besides the video, that show the background into the development of viruses like Covid-19, and a multitude of Corona viruses. Go to the site, watch the video, and learn about how CV is only the culmination of years of dragging the world down, with man-made viruses... which were introduced into people through vaccines.

The Truth About Fauci--Featuring Dr. Judy Mikovits

"Judy Mikovits is Among Her Generation's Most Accomplished Scientists."

—Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Chairman, Children's Health Defense

The Truth About Fauci Featuring Dr. Judy Mikovits

Dr. Mikovits joined NIH in 1980 as a Postdoctoral Scholar in Molecular Virology at the National Cancer Institute and began a 20-year collaboration with Frank Ruscetti, a pioneer in the field of human retro virology. She helped Dr Russetti isolate the HIV virus and link it to #AIDS in 1983. Her NIH boss Anthony Fauci delayed publication of that critical paper for 6 months to let his protégé Robert Gallo replicate, publish and claim credit. The delay in mass HIV testing let AIDS further spread around the globe and helped Fauci win promotion to director NIAID.

In 2006, Dr Mikovits became director of Whittemore Peterson Institute for Neuro-Immune Disease and collaborated with Dr Ruscetti searching for the cause of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome which suddenly became epidemic in the 1980s. The male dominated medical community dismissed CFS as psychosomatic "yuppie flu" caused when fragile females cracked in corporate jobs.

Dr. Mikovits discovered that 67% of affected women carried a virus—called Xenotropic Murine Leukemia related Virus—that appeared in healthy women only 4% of the time.

XMRV is also associated with prostate, breast, ovarian cancers, leukemia, and multiple myeloma. Many women with XMRV bore children with autism.

In 2009, Drs. Mikovits and Ruscetti published their explosive findings in the journal Science. But the question remained: how was XMRV getting into people?

Other researchers linked the first CFS outbreak to a polio vaccine given to doctors and nurses that resulted in the "1934 Los Angeles County Hospital Epidemic." That vaccine was cultivated on pulverized mouse brains. Retroviruses from dead animals can survive in cell lines and permanently contaminate vaccines.

Dr Mikovits' studies suggested that the XMRV Virus was present in the MMR, Polio and Encephalitis vaccines given to American children and soldiers. XMRV is so hazardous that the mere presence of mouse tissue in a laboratory can contaminate other tissues in the same room.

Dr Fauci ordered Mikovits to keep her mouth shut. When she refused, he illegally confiscated her work books and hard drives, drove her from government work and blackballed her from receiving NIH grants ending her science career. XMRV remains in American vaccines.

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
April 19, 2020, 04:26:12 PM
More and more info is coming out that the Covid-19/Coronavirus stats and info are completely misleading. Go to the actual article linked, below, and take a look at the bunch of things that the CDC lied about.

Flu Misinformation and Coronavirus Fears: My Letter to Dr. Sanjay Gupta

As usual, Mr. Reynard did not point out a single factual assertion by me that was incorrect (I carefully source all of my statements about vaccines to government databases or peer-reviewed publications). CNN uses the term "vaccine misinformation" as a euphemism for any statement that departs from the Government / Pharma orthodoxy that all vaccines are safe, necessary, and effective for all people.

I respectfully point out that CNN and particularly you, Sanjay, are today among the most prolific broadcasters of 'vaccine misinformation.'

I have always admired you, Sanjay. Your obvious talents aside, you seem to be genuinely compassionate and to value integrity. Earlier in your career, you showed a courageous willingness to challenge Big Pharma's vaccine orthodoxies. However, I respectfully point out that CNN and particularly you, Sanjay, are today among the most prolific broadcasters of "vaccine misinformation". Over the last several years, I cannot recall seeing a single substantial CNN segment on vaccines that did not include easily verified factual misstatements. CNN's recent special, "Pandemic", was a showcase of erroneous assertions about the flu vaccine. Since I don't like to think that you deliberately mislead the public—particularly about critical public health choices—I have taken the time to point out some of your most frequent errors.


I hope you will take time to read this. This critique has special relevance during the current coronavirus crisis, not to mention its important implications for the roles of government and press in a democracy. CNN and other media outlets treat CDC, NIH, and WHO pronouncements as infallible truths. In fact, regulatory capture has made these agencies subsidiaries of Big Pharma, and the lies that CDC has been telling us about flu are now muddying the debate over coronavirus.

Furthermore, of the mere 257 cases that could reasonably be blamed on the flu in CDC’s mortality data, only 7 percent were laboratory confirmed cases of influenza.

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
April 19, 2020, 03:56:15 PM
anyway going back to bigtree's comments about 'now we finally doing studies when we already at the peak when its all over'

no, no no no no
the pandemic is not over.
the first wave of isolation requirement is over

the isolation of mid march done its job to delay mass contagion a few weeks later..
isolation does not kill the virus. it just keeps people away from each other to no pass it as fast.

once isolation is relaxed and people start mingling again it will start passing person to person again meaning another wave of isolations are needed if it get to numbers where within 3 weeks the amount of hospital admissions will exceed capacity.

study the r0 and realise in america it has not spread through 320mill people. heck its not even spread through 2% of people
this first wave is the calm before the storm

what badecker needs to really learn is the r0
imagine only 50 people had it in america in january. it takes 7 weeks to get just 15k(end of february).
but it does not take another 7 weeks to get to 30k.
it only takes 1 week to get above 40k and another week to get to over 100k yep mid march would have over 100k cases
by end of march would be 1.8m. and without isolation kicking in it would have been 4m then then 12m and so on

there are not 1.8mICU beds. not 4m not 12m.. so there is no way to just allow herd immunity with a 10% fatality rate.
without the beds the fatality rate would be more like 99% of people getting it severely. because there is no beds to treat

so thats why isolation was kicked in while numbers were below 100k because it takes a few weeks for it to work..
and it has worked.

but at the expense of 99% not getting it. which is a good thing. so now its going to be multiple waves of isolations to keep the contagion down to only 1-2% population hit at a time
Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
April 19, 2020, 03:40:03 PM
things you have to note
back in february the idea was that china locks it borders and keeps it in china. thus miniscule concern in america.
however then AMERICA demands doing 'repatriation' flights to bring more cases to the US. which changes the reality to being serious

then in march if the social distancing and the isolation were not done. there would not be a levelling out in april
stupid people think the levelling out has nothing to do with isolation(people not getting in contact) and instead think its that it ran out of people due to everyone coming into contact and everyone having it.

if you actually use those graph numbers from february to mid march. and you will work out an r0 value from a graph bigtree himself promotes. then use that r0 to calculate the numbers after mid march to see how bad things could be without isolation

that handles the part bigtree doesnt want to talk about (he even says it himself he doesnt want to mention that)
now for the stuff he does want to say

when people come to hospital with severe symptoms. the pneumonia/cytokine storm has already taken over.

oh and guess what. the death rate is 10% of those severe cases.. and the doctor he quotes has a 90% success rate..
like i just said. even without hydrocloroquine the success rate s 90%
thus making it no different

bigtree loves advertising chemicals without understanding or highlighting the negative side effects it can have.
especially worse when trying to 'sell' it as a daily supplement for people who have not even got any mild/sever issues.
and as i said but worth repeating again. hasnt shown any remarkable difference than patients not using it

in america which is insurance company healthcare funding. the insurance companies would actually rather (if it worked(it doesnt)) use a cheap medication rather than have 2 weeks of ventilator and specialised staff per patient to pay for.
if hydrochloroquine actually worked. insurance companies would be using it.
the reason they are not. is because the results doesnt show any remarkable difference

i still laugh at badeckers previous video in another post of 2 car park doctors giving chemicals to patients in their car. but fearing themselves(the doctors) getting covid so wear full body suits and refuse to treat in the clinic,
if the meds actually did work. they wouldnt need the suits or the carpark service they would just chew on hydrochloroquine like its candy and see patients in clinic as usual..

its stuff like this that bedecker keeps on missing.
it does make me laugh that the people that want all this stuff are too afraid themselves to try it. and even more afraid to even get covid themselves.
Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
April 18, 2020, 04:28:46 PM
they are only handling the fit people badecker not the sick people
notice round the 3-4 minute mark where he describes people they treat
words like 'if we catch it early enough', 'we treat them in their cars'

oh and the funny thing.. why are the doctors wearing protective gear.. hmm
if all they need to do is eat some vitamins and they fine why are the doctors all wrapped up in protective gear and refusing to take people into their 'hospital'

if a person is fit enough to drive themselves to a holistic doctor. then they aint really sick
also these doctors at the holistic clinic are not even testing patients for covid19

come on badecker atleast try to scrutinise things and actually listen and look at the finer details. and not just the clickbait title and broad narrative

thy are just selling chemicals t people in carparks
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
April 18, 2020, 03:09:58 PM
All of our patients are dramatically better ... We knew the therapies were going to work ... You are right on the money, Del (Bigtree) ... Basically conventional medicine has nothing to offer them (the patients).


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