$Elonmoon will list on PancakeSwap at 4 PM UTC, 8th March 2022!Elonmoon operates on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC), a blockchain network built for running smart contract-based applications. ElonMoon's primary concept is the idea that projects can be done more fairly, sustainably, and in a way that benefits everyone involved. No huge firm or company seeks to gather personal information from users for advertising purposes or to boost revenues for yearly reports.
To celebrate the release of ElonMoon whitepaper, the project is also holding its
first ever $ELONMOON airdrop event. Total rewards of 90 Trillion $ELONMOON tokens worth 6300 USD will be distributed among 6000 random winners. The airdrop event will be held from February 24, 2022 to March 24, 2022.
With upcoming planned collaborations and marketing efforts on the way, the project will reach new heights by the end of 2022 after completing the final phase of its roadmap.
The Elonmoon EcosystemElonmoon's mission is to establish a safe, organized, highly polished platform that can evolve modularly with unlimited possibilities in a metaverse filled with moon exploration, discovery, and creativity.
ElonMoon’s ecosystem consists of the following primary features:
Borrowing and EarningsWith a prime rate of 2.5 percent, Elonmoon's collateralized borrowing arrangement produces a variable interest rate dependent on the use of funds. Before granting the asset, the user receives a quotation from the oracle. The contract is implemented, and the tokens are staked to borrow the asset after the collateral rate has been chosen.
ElonMoon can easily forecast that the tokens will continue to climb with at least a 500 percent gain based on its economic model, total formula calculation, and user volume accumulation.
The Elonmoon MetaverseThe Elonmoon Metaverse will be a vast three-dimensional realm packed with opportunities for exploration, discovery, and invention. Elonmoon's objective is to build a safe, well-structured, and well-polished platform that can grow modularly over time. Developers and the community can incorporate various mechanisms, elements, tools, space-themed games, events, and whatever else they want. Because of the nature of the metaverse, the platform's capabilities are really limitless.
NFTsPlayers can buy and trade items created by the Elonmoon developers in the Elonmoon metaverse. Furthermore, they have the ability to develop the NFT in order to express themselves in this metaverse. If they're lucky, they can make a fortune from their interests.
Tokenomics:Name: ElonMoon
Token Type: BEP-20
Network: Binance Smart Chain (BSC)
Contract Address:
0x03a3cDa7F684Db91536e5b36DC8e9077dC451081Presale Price: 5,200,000,000,000 Elonmoon per BNB
Initial Launch Price: 5,200,000,000,000 Elonmoon per BNB
Max Supply: 6,000,000,000,000,000 $ELONMOON
5,488,676,000,000,000 — Liquidity — 91.48%
138,600,000,000,000 — Airdrop — 3.22%
138,124,000,000,000 — Ambassador — 2.3%
120,000,000,000,000 — Marketing — 2%
60,000,000,000,000 — Team — 1%
The Elonmoon Vision:Elonmoon's goal is to create a secure, well-organized, and well-polished platform that can develop modularly and offer limitless possibilities in a metaverse brimming with moon exploration, discovery, and innovation.
Elonmoon’s growth projections estimate that it will be able to hit most of the short-term goals by Q3 of 2022.
Further details are available on ElonMoon’s official website, Twitter, and Telegram.
About ElonmoonElonMoon is a play-to-earn moon expedition designed in a lunar-themed atmosphere for a more immersive experience that taps into what makes humans the most significant stride forward. Elonmoon thinks that the token will enable investors to have fun and freely engage with one another, have access to chances that will lead to financial independence, and contribute to the next stage of the internet's and online interaction's progress.
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