Ether is not a currency which can be used for payments like btc. It will be mostly used only for covering gas fees as mentioned by VB. Hence, tokens based on ether can use this function while ether can't. It isn't a complete NO, but you can send eth to multiple addresses using the ecrecover option. I am not really familiar about using this, but sending tokens to multiple address is as easy as creating a contract. You just need to know some basic solidity coding and need to know how to use the multisend function. Here after creating a smart contract for sending of tokens, the list of addresses you mentioned will act as an array and tokens are sent.
Multisend() is commonly used by ICO teams while distributing airdrop tokens to the fellow participants. A basic solidity code for sending tokens to multiple addresses look like
public { for (uint256 i = 0; i < _addresses.length; i++)
token.transfer(_addresses[i], amount);
} } }
Though this may not be a direct answer for your question, it might help you in understanding how eth works.