Do you even economics, bro?
The price of bitcoin is going to go up, you know...
Yes i do Ive studied it in depth and you ALL may want to pay attention to the very imminent collapse of the US dollar you have to understand that all components of this are connected you cant change one with out effecting the other something you seam to have forgotten or just didn't realize!
with the diff changing it will take 100Ghash to achieve what you get with 1Ghash today then 1Thash to get what you have archived with 100Ghash ect ect ect , how do you get to 1Thash if the big players stop making the Big Miners? how many block erupters for that , how much electric will that use and again its down to ROI as electric prices continue to go up , theres only so much you can run with a solar panel before you become a solar farm! by the end of this year i can imagine a BFL Avalon selling for 1/4 its price today and thats a good thing i will buy as many as i can as im in this for the long long long game as you all should be aswell. I agree the single price of a bitcoin is going to go into outta space , mid next year will be around £1000 - £5000 per coin so to mine one coin how much equipment would you need? before the crash of 2008 1oz of gold was £285 a couple months later it was £1200 ish
tell what you think the future of bitcoin mining is?
Big Miners Shutdown?
Exodus of miners and the hash drops?
Diff Drops and were back in the game ?
Price Of bitCoin Gose up and up and dosnt stop?
world bank/European central bank/ Crushes bitcoin?