Step 1 and 2 is same and how can you determine the highest reach on all the post? the user post reached counts was only available when you boost a certain post using facebook ads. Normal post don’t have that feature unless you will use reactions and comments as your metrics for the winner.
Can you correct too your spelling? I assume your word “past” means pass as in submit to the moderator the entry post but who is the moderator in-charge, Is it you? You should indicate the rules clearly! And lastly since this competition has a 3 parts. You should indicate the distribution of the prize in each category. A lot of info is missing here.
Yes you are correct I edit the steps, step one is to create a Facebook page and this competition is meant for Facebook adds only so normal post's don't count.
Pass is indeed the right word, I am not the moderator, Facebook has about 14.000 active moderators or something like that, random draw of luck or un-luck.
I add the prize pool numbers.
Past facebook moderators? What is that.
I think the OP wants to break facebook rules, i.e. make rule-breaking posts and evade moderators (get
past them).
Obviously too chickenshit to do it himself so looking for idiots.
I want to take away Facebooks money and give it to people who need it more thanks.
First escrow the funds to someone reputable here and makea better and clear rules on how-tos and etc about your competition.
Don't just make an instructions on "the most post's past facebook moderators"? Post about what? Past facebook moderators? What is that.
I'm more worried about to number of users participating, sure I can give 100$ yes, let's say 3 people participate, Lets make it he minimum so one winner can be in each category at least.
You can post whatever you want, the key is getting it approved.
You can treat the entire Facebook user pool as your own personal timeline.
[moderator's note: consecutive posts merged]