
Topic: English - Croatian Translation Service ( with samples) (Read 328 times)

Activity: 2674
Merit: 3000
Thank you so much, I appreciate it.
No problem.

Yes, I tried to adjust those sentences to fit as more as I could to the style of the Croatian language. English and Croatian are quite different in the grammar and style ( a lot) so it sounds more natural and more fluent if I use a modified form instead of a direct translation. It can be done in direct form but then it would sound  maybe even a little bit rough.
This is why I've noted that it can be ignored due to the nature of the language, so that people do not get the false impression.

I will continue to post a variety of the samples because this assessment really boost my work drive. Thank you!
Once/if you post those, notify me and I'll see what I can do (would probably just update the previous post).
full member
Activity: 195
Merit: 100
account out of order
I was asked to review the service since I'm the moderator of the Croatian section. Since I have some spare time, I've decided to help out.
[1] Sample: Entertainment
[2] Sample: Automotive
[3] Sample: Health
[4] Sample: Environment 2
[1] Minor mistake - first sentence.
[2] Minor mistake - second sentence.
[3] No mistakes.
[4] No mistakes.

The translations are properly written (and those minor mistakes can be neglected due to the nature of the language itself) and this is probably better than what I could produce.

Thank you so much, I appreciate it.
Yes, I tried to adjust those sentences to fit as more as I could to the style of the Croatian language. English and Croatian are quite different in the grammar and style ( a lot) so it sounds more natural and more fluent if I use a modified form instead of a direct translation. It can be done in direct form but then it would sound  maybe even a little bit rough.
I will continue to post a variety of the samples because this assessment really boost my work drive. Thank you!
Activity: 2674
Merit: 3000
I was asked to review the service since I'm the moderator of the Croatian section. Since I have some spare time, I've decided to help out.
[1] Sample: Entertainment
[2] Sample: Automotive
[3] Sample: Health
[4] Sample: Environment 2
[1] Minor mistake - first sentence.
[2] Minor mistake - second sentence.
[3] No mistakes.
[4] No mistakes.

The translations are properly written (and those minor mistakes can be neglected due to the nature of the language itself) and this is probably better than what I could produce.

full member
Activity: 195
Merit: 100
account out of order
I thought to put something like this here, as I already work as a translator. So, this would be my 'portfolio' thread because I think it would be quite unfair to present a service with no evidence or any samples.
I already write as a blogger but that is only a hobby of mine and I quite enjoy it, but to create a proper traffic oriented blog takes a much more time then any translating task.

So to short it down, I will upload a few samples in here, if you are a Croatian native, and you happen to stumble to this, please leave an opinion, it will mean a lot to me. Thank you!

I sell my service for the normal fiat currencies, but as of late, as I started to collect the altcoins, I also trade my translation services for them; the more exotic a coin is - the better. So, it is not all about the bitcoin.

My absolutely favorites are the Bitcoin ( of course, I am so not interesting) and  Peercoin, but also some like the Unobtanium. That one really sounds alien.

I can also translate a short textual snippets, proofread and verify quality up to 100 words to demonstrated my skill, all free, or as a demo to what you can get if you actually decide to trade with me.

So, you can have a test drive before you purchase to assure that you will get what you want and to confirm that a quality of my translation fits your needs. No upfront work. Split a pay how ever you want, 50, 25, 10, 5% - it is all up to you.

I don't want to disturb anybody; most of my clients are honest and reliable, but there are people who are rock bottom terrible, so just to keep it clean - test, check and preview, and I am sure that the final product will fit your demands.

It's not like nobody can see a coin transfer and if I have in the plan to get myself banned.


The source textual snippets are all properly quoted an each with the link back, and taken out of the EzineArticles as their content stands for quality, or at least I heard so.


Sample: Entertainment
People who have most or all of their planets in masculine (Fire: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius or Air: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) signs are liable to develop "dry" and "hot" conditions. High blood pressure, heart condition, stress, fevers, etc. Obviously, once the illness manifested, one needs to see a qualified medical practitioner, but the key to success in health matters is actually the avoidance of the disease.

Ljudi koji imaju većinu ili sve svoje planete u muškim (Vatra: Ovan, Lav, Strijelac ili Zrak: Blizanci, Vaga, Vodenjak) znakovima su podložni razviti "suhe" i "vruće" uvjete. Visoki krvni tlak, srčana stanja, stres, groznice, itd . Očito, kada se bolest manifestira, osoba treba posjetiti kvalificiranog liječnika, ali  ključ uspjeha u zdravstvenim pitanjima je zapravo izbjegavanje bolesti.

Sample: Automotive

There sure is a lot of hype over electric cars, and Tesla has sure made a hit on the scene with its gorgeous high-tech electric cars - amazing vehicles in all regards. Toyota's Prius has proven it is in demand in the US as well as other hybrids of similar technology around the world. Still, we have a long way to go if we are to get to electrified transportation.

Zasigurno je mnogo reklame oko  električnih automobila, i Tesla je napravio hit na sceni sa svojim raskošnim high-tech električnih automobilima - nevjerojatna vozila u svakom pogledu. Toyotin Prius je dokazano da je u potražnji u SAD-u, kao i drugih hibrida slične tehnologije širom svijeta. Ipak, imamo za prijeći dug put ako želimo doći do elektriziranog prijevoza.


Sample: Health

Two misconceptions are common about high pressure ("hypertension"). First, many people think that when doctors refer to "hypertension", that we are talking about someone who is anxious (too much tension). While it is true that anxiety and stress can raise blood and cause hypertension, the term "hypertension" doesn't refer to someone who is tense. People who are perfectly calm can still have hypertension.

Dvije su uobičajene  zablude o visokom tlakom ( "hipertenziji"). Prvo, mnogi ljudi misle da kada liječnici upućuju na "hipertenziju", da se govori o nekome tko je anksiozan (previše napetosti). Iako je istina da  tjeskoba i stres mogu povisiti krvni pritisak i izazvati hipertenziju, pojam "hipertenzija" se ne odnosi na nekoga tko je napet. Ljudi koji su savršeno mirni ipak mogu imati hipertenziju.

Sample: Environment
The environmental problems have become so widespread that we cannot afford to ignore this anymore. There are many alarming issues as far as the environmental devastation is concerned, and one such threat to your surroundings is caused by the inappropriate utilization of tires that are worn out.


Problemi zaštite okoliša postali su toliko rašireni da si ne možemo priuštiti da ih više ignoriramo. Postoje mnoga alarmantna pitanja koja se tiču uništavanja okoliša, a jedna takva prijetnja vašoj okolini je uzrokovana neodgovarajućim iskorištavanjem istrošenih guma.


My quotes are also very dynamic and fluid, so to say: I charge $0.07/word in fiat, with the 5% of a discount on the bitcoin or the altcoin's equivalent at the exact time when the deal was set. So, if a price wobbles up-down during the delivery period it is disregarded.  The value has to be mutually agreed in an exact time. If you have a fixed price that you wish to pay, we can bargain.

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