I think now, much religious building is still close, and people are praying at home. I think that is better than to go to that place while the pandemic is still around us. We don't want to be the next victim, or we are the carrier, so better to stay at home until the government says that they can handle the pandemic.
If a casino is open, the church will also demand to be open, that's expected already since although they are religious organization but some Churches also make money from the donation of their followers, they are just fortunate in our country as Church are not require to pay taxes.
At this pandemic, if people want to donate to their religion by the religious charity, they will send the money using their bank account because that can prevent the transmitting of the virus itself. People will feel safe while they don't have to go anywhere, and they can send the money via transfer.
The important thing is we can take care of ourselves, wash our hands after we do something, make sure we don't go out from home if we don't have any reason and stay healthy.