but if you want to buy ENJ make sure you have good risk management,
Not only in ENJ but most potential active altcoins will always ensure risk management otherwise we cannot able to survive in this market. We should always keep some safe funds in order to ensure the average price for our previous purchases. ENJ is still in a bearish mode, which we need to accumulate at the current stage.
All time High ENJ is at $ 0.4, when compared with other altcoin projects, ENJ performance is very good, buying it if touch under $0.1 again
From my point of view fundamentals are more important in current scenario where altcoins are booming and rising very well. Enjin have very large community behind it and on other the team is also doing great job. Big news are coming out which could help this to push towards new destination.
I disagree. Fundamentals don't mean jack squat in a bullish market. It's when alts are getting killed when fundamentally strong (ie non-shill coins) projects manage to avoid becoming zombies.
Right now you have a bunch of random coins making incredible gains. Most of them have no right being valued at what they are at. Fundamentals don't play a role in those valuations.