0xMithril - Mineables Network TokenToken:
https://github.com/0xMithrilThe Mineables Network runs on 0xMithril. Fully compliant with the Ethereum Mineable Token Specification EIP918 (
https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/blob/master/EIPS/eip-918.md), 0xMithril is rewarded back as an 'anti-gas' rebate with every mint operation within the network. When miners mine any token on the Mineables network, they receive a rebate in 0xMithril to offset EVM transaction gas costs. 0xMithril can also be mined with ERC918-compliant mining software, providing miners an option to more aggressively accumulate it with Hash power. The Mineables Network allows participants to create their own ERC20, ERC918-compliant Mineable Tokens with variable parameters such as name, token supply, and various mining options, without ever having to write a line of code. Buy, trade and configure Virtual Rigs and GPUs using accumulated or mined 0xMithril to increase mining performance with any token on the Mineables network.
Deployed on the xDai Chain, March 31, 2019
https://blockscout.com/poa/dai/address/0x9877f79103e608e64139b0a0da5856fadfab5cf4/transactionsToken Details- Symbol: 0xMTH
- Decimal: 18
- Supply: 100,000,000
- Remaining: 95,000,000
- Minted: 5,000,000
- 4% Monarch fee - 3% development, 1% community bounty
- 1% Antigas fee - locked in quarry contract for mining participants
- Difficulty: 1
- Block Target: 5 minutes
- Difficulty adjustment: every 1024 blocks
- Hash Algorithm: solidity-sha3/keccak3
- Blockchain: xDai Chain
Getting started1. Convert a small amount of Dai to xDai. At current transaction prices, $0.05-$0.10 will more than cover thousands of minting transactions on the xDai Chain.
a. swap ETH to DAI
https://uniswap.exchange/swap b. swap DAI to xDAI
https://dai-bridge.poa.network ( The community is currentyly offering micro-donations of xDai to miners upon request in the #xdai-microdonations of the Discord
https://discord.gg/yckdJdw )
2. Mining 0xMithril and EIP-918 Tokens.
a. Download latest miner from repository.
https://github.com/0xMithril/COSMiC-v3-0xMTH/releases/tag/v1.2 b. If you want to do your own build of the miner follow these instructions: (optional)
https://github.com/0xMithril/COSMiC-v3-0xMTH#to-use c. Start up the miner '
COSMiC.exe'. You can type 'help' at any time to get a listing of possible commands.
d. Create a new account with command '
account new'. If you already have an account you want to mine with you can import it with '
account import 0xprivKey'
e. Make sure the miner is pointed at the xDai sidechain with command '
config web3provider https://dai.poa.network'
f. Ensure the 0xMithril Token contract is select with command '
contract select 0x9877f79103e608e64139b0a0da5856fadfab5cf4'
g. Begin CPU mining with command '
mine'. Alternately begin GPU mining with command '
mine cuda'.
3. Connect with the Discord community with questions. (
https://www.reddit.com/r/mineables/Ongoing workToken BridgeThere is currently a completed Token Bridge in active development for moving 0xMithril and mineable tokens back and forth to mainnet from xDai Network. It still requires a user interface, expected to be completed by end of Q2/Q3.
https://github.com/0xMithril/BridgeableTokenERC918 Pool SoftwareAlthough the costs of running xDai Network transactions are fractional by orders of magnitude ( $0.000084 per mint transaction currently -
https://blockscout.com/poa/dai/tx/0x0d5672d63cce03162ac77c09ed258c8afd932cd10c7e292d06853f5cc92899e5/internal_transactions ), there is still a desire to research and develop a pool middleware as another alternative for miners.