I have tried with the new version unable to open
If that's the case, use
dumpprivkey "address" command to export the wallet's private key(s).
The faster method, 'dumpwallet' wasn't available for that version.
Do you know which addresses have a balance?
If so, confirm it from a blockexplorer, then use that command in the console: '
Help->Show Debug Window->Click "console" tab'.
dumpprivkey "1mybitcoinaddressxxxxxx"
If the wallet have a passphrase, enter this first before the dumpprivkey command:
walletpassphrase "your_passphrase" 300
the commands requires the quotation marks, do not remove them)
Then copy the private key and import it to Electrum (
electrum.org) using "
Import Bitcoin addresses or private keys" option when creating a new wallet.