If you're serious about offering escrows, build up some rep by successfully selling stuff on the marketplace and doing trades yourself. Once people have done trades with you they will be more likely to use you in the future and may wish to use you as an escrow for a deal they are doing since they will know you are trustworthy.
Alright. Thanks for the reply. But calm down... I am not hoping that being a christian would help but it's just something about myself. I personally think that telling me these:
Fair enough. I'm just offering my opinion. There are lots of people who feel the same way as I do here. However, maybe there is somebody here who would like to deal with you based on your Christianity. However, I will say there have been a few scams where people have used their supposed religiosity as if to appear legitimate and trustworthy, so people are often sceptical of people who try to use religion as a character reference without anything else to back it up. Just my 0.02BTC
Do understand your point of view. I am not a very devoted christian, it's just I agree with Jesus' teachings... such as the one I quoted... I do not expect to get loads of people asking me to escrow them, but I just want them to know I can be in their list of options...