Document can be found here:
And they are requesting information and answers to their questions.
They mention in the paper NXTseveral times, and how it works, but they don't say nothing about NXT distribution or real concerns. NXT community are aware of this document and they are gonna submit their answers:
The document forgot about Mastercoin, Counterparty, Ethereum or other plattforms.
These are the questions:
platform distributing VC investment products, their location or size outstanding/volume?
Q 2: Do you have any information about the profile of investors investing in VC investment
Q 3: Do you have anything to add or suggest a change to the description (paragraphs 15-
18) of how virtual currency distributed ledgers work? Please clearly state to which virtual
currency you are referring in your answer or whether your answer refers to virtual currencies
in general.
Q 4: Do you agree with the general investment process in VC based financial assets as
described above (paragraphs 19-24)? Please explain where this process could differ for
different virtual currencies.
Q 5: Which VC based financial assets exist other than the broad categories mentioned
(paragraph 24)?
Q 6: Do you agree with the analogies to traditional regulated entities as outlined (paragraph
25-32)? Please explain where you have a different opinion, including where the analogies
are different for different VCs.
Q 7: Do you have more evidence on how widespread ownership of VC based financial
assets/securities is? Please mention your sources.
Q 8: Do you agree with the assessment of benefits and risks of VC based financial
assets/securities or are there other benefits/risks for investors, for other market participants,
and for the financial system as a whole?
Q 9: How is distributed ledger technology being used or likely to be used in relation to the
issuance, distribution, trading, recording of transactions and ownership of ‘traditional’
securities or investment products and why?
Q 10: To what extent is the use of distributed ledger technology in relation to ‘traditional’
securities or investment products being separated from an associated virtual currency and, if
so, how and why?
And here is the application form:
Feel free to submit your opinions!