
Topic: Esquire writer diagnoses men’s hatred of Hillary as "deeply, deeply sexual" (Read 675 times)

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Bill: You know, I think she wants me.
Hillary: Did she say stop or staaap?
Bill: I think she said slop when biting my finger breaking for the door.
Hillary: What a tramp!

---St. Ronald Reagan
Activity: 74
Merit: 10
The origin of "brave" evolved from "savage".
I would not tap that with a 10ft pole... I doubt my dislike for Hillary is "sexual".
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Scarborough: Bill Clinton’s Association with Sex Offender Jeffrey Epstein ‘Big Problem’ for Hillary — Donald Trump Will Use

Friday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” host Joe Scarborough warned that the association between former President Bill Clinton and convicted sex offender billionaire Jeffrey Epstein will be something the media will be forced to focus on if Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump chooses to discuss it. And that could be a “big problem” for his wife Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton, Scarborough said.

According to Scarborough, previous allegations of Bill Clinton’s indiscretions, particularly in the 2008 presidential cycle when Hillary Clinton ran against Barack Obama, were not discussed in public forums. However, this time will be different because of Trump’s ability to promote a story line and force the media to talk about it.

“By the way, we’ll do what other news shows don’t do,” Scarborough said. “What we do all the time and we’ll actually say what people say off the air and not saying off the air and not attribute anything to the. I talking about over the past — since 2008. Leading into 2008, everybody that came on the air talked about the same three women that Bill Clinton was having an affair with in 2008 and said, ‘It’s going to destroy his campaign.’ And, ‘It’s going to this and it’s going to that and it’s going to come out and everybody can repeat, give the three women’s names, where they’re from, their positions. That’s the thing that’s kind of remained quiet. The same thing with John Edwards and the affair he was having.”

“You’re right,” he continued. “Everybody was too gentile. There are some people that were smooching Hillary Clinton left-and-right right now that were running around the Washington bureau saying this is going to blow up. It’s kill her campaign. Nobody ever talked about it because everybody played by the rules. The same thing has happened in the lead up to this campaign. Everybody’s talking about, I don’t know this Jeffrey Epstein guy. Is that his right name? People in the know always talk about Jeffrey Epstein, Jeffrey Epstein. I don’t even know who that dude is but I know that people in the know that are in this media area that don’t do what I do which is go to work and go home and hang out with their kids, they talk about Jeffrey Epstein.”

“There’s going to be a big problem because of Bill Clinton and there’s always a swirl and it’s not by right wingers, it’s by the most powerful people in media and they’re always going like these would be really bad, bad issues for Hillary and Bill if anybody had the guts to bring it up,” Scarborough added. “Nobody does. That’s what makes Donald Trump more dangerous than any person out there. He will bring up stuff that nobody else will bring up and anybody thinking in the Clinton campaign that they’re going to get a break because it’s Donald Trump doing this instead of Jeb Bush, you are in lala land because there are no rules when it comes to Donald Trump for any of us, for any of us, anybody, anywhere.”

Who is he?

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Activity: 616
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Esquire writer diagnoses men’s hatred of Hillary Clinton as ‘deeply, deeply sexual’
.....Junod writes about Hillary Clinton from the perspective of a red-blooded, cisgender American man, italics included, who gets why Bill Clinton readily confesses to ogling the young Hillary Rodham. She’s “an attractive person. And I don’t mean to sound patronizing. She’s an attractive human being,” Junod says. “Just as a man—and I say this not as a writer but as a man—I’ve never understood Hillary hatred. I just don’t get it.” But he does get the hatred, calling it “deeply, deeply sexual.”.....

Anyone who believes this has serious problems.  This is not normal.   I wonder if he fantasies about sex with hippopotamus?

I think the guy´s first sexual experience back then was with a butt-ugly 70-year old woman with about as much sex appeal as a codfish and this traumatic but also highly pleasurable event has been stamped into his conscious ever since.
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
Esquire writer diagnoses men’s hatred of Hillary Clinton as ‘deeply, deeply sexual’
.....Junod writes about Hillary Clinton from the perspective of a red-blooded, cisgender American man, italics included, who gets why Bill Clinton readily confesses to ogling the young Hillary Rodham. She’s “an attractive person. And I don’t mean to sound patronizing. She’s an attractive human being,” Junod says. “Just as a man—and I say this not as a writer but as a man—I’ve never understood Hillary hatred. I just don’t get it.” But he does get the hatred, calling it “deeply, deeply sexual.”.....

Anyone who believes this has serious problems.  This is not normal.   I wonder if he fantasies about sex with hippopotamus?
Activity: 1540
Merit: 1000
The funny thing is we don't actually need to delve into the psychology of these people very much because in reality all it amounts to is anybody who disagrees with me is either racist or sexist and it is a very common tactic used unfortunately a lot more on the left than on the right. Ironically, it's actually extremely sexist and racist that these people are always assuming that because it's a white man that cricitises them that they're claiming these people are racist and sexist.

You see it tons of times as well with all their women can't be sexist and blacks can't be racist bullshit rhetoric, they know they're being sexist and racist themselves but they cover it up with lots of self-projection and accusations.
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Activity: 616
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Hillary Clinton is running the most sexist campaign ever

By Andrea Peyser January 8, 2016 | 2:44am

Hillary Clinton is waging the most sexist campaign in the history of presidential contests by showing up, dumbing down, girling up, and pretending that her husband’s sexual indiscretions — past, potentially present and possibly future — just don’t matter.

But sex matters.

And sexual harassment — defined as relations between subordinates and the powerful guys for whom they slave — matters, too.

Candidate Clinton infuriatingly plays the chick card, rejecting reality as she sprints to the finish line of the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination, the cherry on top of a long and sordid career that was founded not on her talent as a deep thinker, stellar speaker or gifted public servant, but on her sterling credentials as a Grade-A doormat.

She seems to believe she deserves the White House — as she did a United States Senate seat and her perch as secretary of state — as payback for putting up with ex-President Bill, who turned her into the pathetic punch line in a long-running joke.

And while I’d enjoy seeing Bill neutered as First Man under the watchful eye of a possible Madam President, I must ask: Is this any way to run a country?


Hillary Clinton’s campaign boils down to three interchangeable platform planks:

1. Don’t vote for Republican front-runner Donald Trump — he’s on his third marriage! (And he hurt my feelings by saying I was “schlonged’’ in the 2008 presidential campaign, and took a “disgusting’’ pee break during the last debate).

2. Don’t think about voting for Democratic rival Bernie Sanders; he’s an anti-female bully who said he heard me “shouting’’ about gun ­control.

3. I’m a woman, suckers! You can’t touch this.

Clinton lately has entered into a phony cage match with Trump, changing the subject from issues of national and global import to whine about his clumsy takeoff on the word “schlong.’’ The Yiddishism seemed to convey that the candidate who lacks one was outfoxed by a decidedly male President Obama. Hillary has taken The Donald’s juvenile “schlonged’’ schtick dead-seriously.

“It’s not the first time he’s demonstrated a penchant for sexism,’’ she told The Des Moines Register.

Hillary is attacking Trump (and Sanders) essentially for failing to watch their tongues with a lady present, while deftly avoiding the elephant in the room: her scoundrel husband.

Trump’s relationship with his first wife may have overlapped with the woman who became his second wife — much to Hillary’s delight.

But rather than fall back, Trump has come out swinging, rightly saying on TV’s “Morning Joe’’ that it’s “open season’’ on Hillary’s hub.

Well, she started this.

The former prez, who has started campaigning for his wife, is “one of the great woman abusers of all time,’’ Trump said on CNN Monday.

“I think that Hillary is an enabler,’’ he added.

I was against Bill Clinton’s impeachment, a humiliating show trial over allegations that the then-leader of the free world lied about accepting the on-her-knees sexual favors of former White House intern Monica Lewinsky. (He was acquitted by the Senate in 1999.)

But I believe that, as Bill Cosby’s wife, Camille, encouraged her hub’s carnal appetites by looking the other way as he strayed, Hillary is complicit in Bill’s philandering by attacking the targets of his wandering eye.

I find it reprehensible that the woman who has set herself up as the Woman’s Candidate for the nation’s highest office thinks nothing of trashing her own sisters in her zeal for power. She reputedly was the brains behind efforts to quell the “bimbo eruptions’’ that threatened to derail Bill’s first presidential campaign.

She once dubbed Lewinsky a “narcissistic loony toon,’’ a close pal wrote in her journal.

Hillary needs to start respecting women. She must stop defending her louse of a husband and quit tearing down her romantic rivals. It’s wrong. It’s selfish. It’s sexist.

Stop rush to judge just Cosby

Bill Cosby has been tried, convicted and cast out of polite society by the media and in the court of public opinion by folks convinced he drugged, sexually assaulted — or tried to — nearly 60 women who’ve come out of the woodwork to point fingers at him. But it’s his alleged victims I worry about.

Women have been so thoroughly infantilized by feminism, they can’t be trusted to know when they’ve given sexual consent.

Cosby is a hypocrite for serially cheating on his wife while acting as the black community’s moral authority.

But there’s a reason he was never charged with a crime until recently: Most, if not all, of his accusers appear to have had sexual contact with Cos willingly after taking drugs to get in the mood.

Now he’s charged with indecent sexual assault in a 2004 Pennsylvania case that Cosby already settled for money out of court.

Whether or not he’s convicted, the man is toast.

And so are the women.

Souring on sweets

Researchers from the University of Texas determined that mice eating a diet rich in sucrose — aka high-fructose corn syrup — were more likely than rodents on low-sugar diets to develop breast cancer.

This, after killjoys at an agency of the World Health Organization decreed that gulping down processed meats, including yummy bacon, is carcinogenic to humans, as much as tobacco and asbestos.

I guess those determined to live long, healthy lives shouldn’t eat or drink anything — especially if they’re small, fuzzy critters.

A crying shame

I’m crying, too.

President Obama this week tearfully announced executive orders aimed at stopping the kinds of mass shootings that killed 26 kids and adults at Connecticut’s Sandy Hook Elementary School, and 14 others at a holiday party in San Bernardino, Calif.

But the measures are doomed to failure.

They’ll only prevent suicides by blocking immediate access to weapons, according to an Associated Press review.

Members of Congress have refused to pass stricter gun-control laws favored by the president. Can the insane spate of murders be stopped?

I don’t know. But I’d like to see lawmakers try.

Hey, NY Times, what the buck?

This trend story should win a Pulitzer Prize for stupidity.

A New York Times scribe reported that investment bankers, lawyers and other high-income professionals are more likely these days to marry people engaged in similar careers, rather than secretaries (I thought they were called assistants) and their high-school sweethearts. Emergency!

Unions between social, educational and economic equals propagate dreaded “income inequality,’’ according to the Times.

Seriously. I guess potential spouses better get back in the kitchen, pregnant and barefoot, before landing cash cows. It’s only fair.
Activity: 1078
Merit: 1014
this filthy slut got a paedophile rapist off when she knew he was guilty and laughed about it and pretends to care about women's issues
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Activity: 616
Merit: 500
Typical liberal argument, ignored  Smiley
Activity: 1288
Merit: 1043
so, its just hillary and her supporters just playing the sex card again. nothing new here.
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Activity: 616
Merit: 500
Esquire writer diagnoses men’s hatred of Hillary Clinton as ‘deeply, deeply sexual’

Twitchy  by Brett Taylor 3:35 am

“Hatred” is a strong word, although we don’t doubt there are plenty of men and women out there who wouldn’t hesitate to say they hate the former secretary of state and Democratic front-runner for president.

“Sexual” is also a strong word, and one we didn’t expect to see today in connection with the former first lady. But that’s apparently the point of Esquire’s interview with Tom Junod, a writer whose claim to fame seems to be having written three profiles of Clinton for Esquire.

@TomJunod has profiled @HillaryClinton 3 times. He talks to us about her evolution:

— Esquire Classic (@EsquireClassic) January 7, 2016

The Hillogy: I've written about @HillaryClinton 3 times now, and here, in @EsquireClassic, is what I've learned.

— Tom Junod (@TomJunod) January 7, 2016

Get it? Hillogy? Don’t try to tell us this isn’t the same writer who came up with the “Grillary Clinton” barbecue apron and the “Chillary Clinton” beer koozie.

Anyway, on to the juicy stuff. Junod writes about Hillary Clinton from the perspective of a red-blooded, cisgender American man, italics included, who gets why Bill Clinton readily confesses to ogling the young Hillary Rodham. She’s “an attractive person. And I don’t mean to sound patronizing. She’s an attractive human being,” Junod says. “Just as a man—and I say this not as a writer but as a man—I’ve never understood Hillary hatred. I just don’t get it.” But he does get the hatred, calling it “deeply, deeply sexual.”

.@TomJunod says that male hatred of Hillary is "deeply, deeply sexual."

— Annie Karni (@anniekarni) January 7, 2016

Interviewer Alex Belth gets caught up in the moment, interjecting that he loves how Clinton’s laugh—which Junod describes as full and appealing—makes it into all three parts of the Hillogy. And how could it not? In fact, let’s just skip the rest of the piece and enjoy Clinton’s appealing laughter together. Tip: It’s more appealing if you ignore the question about the deeply, deeply sexual FBI investigation into her mishandling of classified materials.

No need to be jealous; the Clinton campaign never sent us one of these.

So this just came in the mail.

— Vince Coglianese (@TheDCVince) August 28, 2015

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