Stay away from there. While your initial encounter with a scam might be unintentional, succumbing to their schemes again suggests a failure to learn from the first experience.
It's very disheartening when people lose their hard earned money due to ignorance , telegram, Whatsapp, Facebook and other social media sites are not good places to see enticing offers to invest your money and start getting many times your ROI. After hearing about any investment offers on social media, it is very important to do thorough background check about them before considering to invest with them, because most of them are scam. I hope that this is a lesson to the OP to henceforth carry out personal research before giving money to anyone or group on social media, so he/ she will not be scammed a second time, because scammers never rest, it's their carrea. As for giving anybody money to track his coins can end up being another scam, so let him learn from it and move on.