Wow tough luck for those that bought last week at a much higher price. L3+ now only $855
I rather get an L3+ over a 1080 ti anyday. This alone should cause GPU prices to crash down back to true MSRP.
Can't believe the even further price drops on the antminers . . I mean 300 bucks for a d3? lol... (its appropriate for what it earns. . but they could have just made less)
Vosk in a perfect world they would make and sell asics at a nice equilibreum (enough retail sales with customers able to roi and then some, everyones happy) but unfortunately thats not the world we live in. If people stopped buying up every asic so quick they might slow down but if one person holds back on buying there will be someone else who does. Its a winless race.
Thats a perfect way to sum it up . . "winless race" I wish everyone understood that about these ASIC sellers T_T