ETH , BNB, NGR, XRP, LTC and BCH are the best altcoins in this market, so there's no reason not to invest in it. If you are a smart investor in this market, you should own as much ETH , BNB, NGR, XRP, LTC and BCH as possible because the current price is very cheap and you will make a lot of profit in the future. And besides, you should stay away from Bitcoin Fork and BitcoinSV as far as possible because this is a shitcoin and you will lose all if you invest in it.
ETH, BNB, NGR, XRP, LTC , Eos, Neo,MKR And BCH Price What Do You Think This Year? Comment Velow.............
Alot of it is just chance, but im big on one of your picks: ETH. Imo if you know of a coin that's darn near a sure thing, go for it
ETH will make its money back, even if it crashed after PoS comes, i will just stake longer, it will ROI eventually
i dont like to spread my investments around too much as it reduces my profit if i get a good hit on a coin : /