THE ETH Fight ClubLooking for a feedback on the following idea.
We want to create a game based on Fight Club idea where you fight other players for tokens. You train on arenas, fight other players and then take participate in tournaments to win token reward of various projects.
Projects carry out championships dedicated to their release, stages of crowdsale to attract community attention to their events.
Players can choose what tournament to participate in and therefore show the interest of community to projects. The more experience players want to participate in your tournament the more attention of the community you probably have.
Each player can have additional items and creatures to improve skill sets and stats.
We want to implement the economy of the project in the following way:
1) The most active community members can be tournament organizers and get percentage of rewards.
2) Artists can participate in creation of items and creatures and get sales commission.
3) Players can organize marketplaces, manage them and get percentage on sales.
Your propositions are welcome.
If you think this idea worth a while join project telegram group and let`s discuss it. thousand players will surely get benefits from early bird participation.
Summary of the answers below:
1. We are looking at a step by step tactical game where you fight your opponents to gain experience and further participating in tournaments.
2. Winning in tournament fights provide you with tokens of the project carrying out the tournament dedicated to project events like releases, reaching milestones, etc.
3. Player stats and skill sets depend on their previous fight experience. Any fight can improve your skills to help you hit harder or avoid hits of your opponents.
4. Creatures add points to your stats.
5. You can have accounts on multiple servers with their own fight history and according skills.
6. Creatures can be interchanged between your profiles on different servers.
7. There can be one tounament on one server at a time but multiple tournaments on different servers.
8. Tournament organizers (just like bounty mangers) do the event organization and control the reward distribution. Players take part in tournaments of the organizers they trust.
9. Projects allocate certain amount of tokens for the tournament for further distribution among winners. There can be several rounds within a tournament to allow more players to be rewarded.
If you have any questions or propositions leave your comments here and join our telegram group
As soon as we figure out we have enough community willing to fight for tokens we will implement the game rules described above.
Thank you for your support.