Thanks all for the answers! Small update on the costs: I managed to get 0.05 EUR kWh electricity costs from a nearby company. But still, I guess ETH is not worth it to mine, but what about BTC? If I buy antminer S19 pro, which are still available for about 8-10k EUR, I could make a decent profit as passive income per year at such low kWh costs. What do you think?
Regarding BTC hashrate, keep this in mind. Currently the hashrate is lower than usual because of China banning bitcoin miners. So many miners shut down their farms and are either relocating their farms or just selling them off to other people.
So what this means is that the previous ATH hashrate will most likely return in the near future. Because those ASICs are still profitable and someone, somewhere will buy them and turn them on again.
So you need to run your calculations on a higher difficulty has a the one that we had a few months back.
Let's just see what happens if the difficulty would jump to 30T before I have payed back my investment:
(((((550.* 6.25 * 600 * 65535) / 2^48) / * 6 * 24) * 0.99) *365 = 0.83 BTC/year
For the yearly electricity costs:
17Kw * 24h * 365 days * 0.05€/kwh = 7,5k€
So basically, if I estimate what the bitcoin price would be in 1 year, for instance 50k multiply this with 0.83, then substract 7500€ I'll see how much income I have made. Now I have to see if this income is sufficient to pay back my initial costs for mining hardware. According to my calculations I would make 34k EUR in one year if the BTC price goes up to 50k again as well as the Diff to 30k. I think it all depends on the BTC price, because if the initial investment for hardware costs are 60k and I only make 34k profit per year, I need almost two years to breakeven. Does this calculation make sense for you?