Simplemining calls me a fool/crazy but i am definitly not.
The last 8 or 9 days the final payouts have dropped significantly
My operation runs at 2.3 GH and my earnings where arround 18 eth cents p day
For me it dropped to 13.5 / 14 cents p day thats a lot of $ with the going rates
And i think that many people would be very happy when they make 5cnts p day
Now i dare to say ETHERMINE IS STEALING !!!!!
This was on ethermine and we all know them.
They are smart they only have a very bad service and some twitter thing
So here is the thing i asked arround on simple and they called me a fool who did not understand the mecanics bla bla bla bla bla
So this is what i did
- I went to another pool
- put 2.1 GH on that pool and i put 2 4gb rigs on raven
- did the math today
- well guess what i am back on 18 cents
- less hash power and back on 18 cents
- Now you tell me what happenned here
Now Bois/Girls i would say do some testing and if you find the same results post it
Ethermine is messing arround and wants to squeeze out the last run on ETH