There are two leading enhancements for ERC-20.
The First is ERC-223, which was developed to mitigate the problem of tokens getting lost in contracts.
It requires the receiving contract to implement a method named "tokenFallback"
which captures the sent tokens.
It can be combined with another ERC - 677 that adds "transferAndCall"
functionality, which enables to couple a token transfer together with an invocation of an action.
The second is ERC-827. this one, backed by OpenZeppelin, functionality is kind of a mix of 223 and 677
it adds an ability to make a transfer together with a call just like 677,
but doesn't require "tokenFallback".
This makes it a bit more hazardous and tamper-able.
you can see the criticism in its github announcement: 827 is newer than 223 there are less tokens out there implementing it,
no one of them is high-profile ICO as far as i know (i'll be glad to be corrected).
What are your thoughts?