Let Malacanan overreact again.
The EU is free to release statements like this, just as Duterte is free to tell them "fuck you!".
IMHO, Malacanan should be more worried of the consequences of railroading the Death Penalty bill. It's quite obvious the Palace had a hand in it. Why else would you think those who voted against it were removed from their positions in Congress? Unfortunate for us, we signed an agreement for removing capital punishment. Reinstating it again would violate that and we'd lose preferred trading status with the EU. Which means our exports to them would be slapped with tariffs. Which would mean they'd become expensive. Which would mean businesses there would just buy from elsewhere.
The Death Penalty itself is problematic. They removed several crimes from it like plunder, making people more suspicious they'd just use it to harass critics.
And again, I really believe treason should be way up there. It's the worst crime anyone can commit. It's a crime not just against any individual but against the State itself.