
Topic: EUROCOIN P2POOL BACK ONLINE! ( there was a power outage / bad weather ) (Read 3104 times)

full member
Activity: 140
Merit: 100

Eurocoin just released a NEW wallet client and is using a NEW blockchain...

the EUC P2POOL has been updated and is using the NEW wallet ( addresses start with 'E' now )

the EUC P2POOL is ONLINE and good to go now.
full member
Activity: 140
Merit: 100
Server as freezing up last 2 days......

power supply had to be replaced after a bad storm...

The P2POOL server is STABLE and ONLINE without interruptions now.
full member
Activity: 140
Merit: 100
Eurocoin EUC P2pool was finding literally almost every block until power outage.

Eurocoin EUC P2POOL paid out ALOT more than ANY sign-up mining pools!

Anyone can mine on P2POOLs --- and no SIGN-UP BS!

The Eurocoin EUC P2POOL is here:

Earn ALOT MORE COINS in 24hrs using P2POOL vs SIGN-UP Mining Pools!!!!!

Eurocoin p2pool post:

EuroCoin EUC P2POOL -->

Eurocoin Info is posted in the Eurocoin posts

( current eurocoin block reward = 35 EUC Eurocoins )
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