Do you know where laundered money comes from? It’s from criminal activities like terrorism, crypto scams, and all sorts of illegal dealings. It’s dirty money, plain and simple. So, we shouldn’t change how we see money laundering or try to justify it as something acceptable, because at the end of the day, a wrong can never be made right.
You are correct but look at the history and banks.there been many coverups.
also money laundering couse inflation, when global criminals started to invest in australian real estate then local people start complaining about it they would't afford housing because of foreign unchecked source of capital.
Europe is full of dirty money unchecked source of money and so it can only keep going until bond market lasts even those crimimals who use banks for their money not awared that they could lose their wealth overnight but many of them not awared of banking and finances.
Its a fact that dirty money always will de-stable and making it unbalanced the financial system.
In otherwords everything is related and connected in this world with each other- yes you might just use proxy the hide out states like it was switzerland long time ago but then itself at the end you have to sacrafice the proxy itself in order to get out yourself.
The best way is to do everything honest and right ways because you can only hide and stay safe If you use proxy off course at the end your proxy the host will die and then you need new one.
while gloabal crisis going bigger and bigger so more restrictions for dirty money and more issues for financial sectors, means it's harder to move and hold dirty money and places where it can be moved and hold it could easily to collapse itself because of unbalanced system wich itself will be de-stabilised by unlegal activities.
In otherwords:
Snakes eat themselves due to stress, temperature regulation issues, hypermetabolism, hunger, shedding, constrictive habitat, illness, or confusion.
Scientists say that a snake may mistake its own tale for that of another snake. Once it begins to feed, it may not even realize that it’s consuming itself.
Off laundering not good i was just sarcastic and using the sense of humour.