27 nations all with own rule for outsiders ..
So 27 nations decide what rules to do in trade and then decide what rules to go with ..
Now if one country sell more apples and the other doesn't what if an outsider wants to sell apples on your markets ?..
YOU then decide well one of our country sells apples we will slap tariffs on the outsiders apples instead?.
So more people will buy our apples to not upset the country in the EU who mostly sells apples..
Now you do realise you are 500 million people and 400 million are doing OK the rest are poor and i mean
hungry poor..
So 400 million people what about the 6 billion other peoples ?
You mean to say your slapping taxes on them and they are willing to except the EU doing this instead of going 400 MILLION people who cannot decide if a nut and bolt should be taxed because it needs a EU
stamp on it
No they will go we will go to the UK who have no TARIFFS
NOW if you the EU are saying well we will have no TARIFFS then why are you asking the UK for tariffs
instead of FREE TRADE
To the UK we will THRIVE like you never seen before
Take no notice of all this NEWS bullshit 200k people work in big businesses the little businesses keep your country going
They are the ones that borrow they are the ones who pay the taxes and the bills..
Huge companies get government grants free workers free land space and all to create jobs that
put our future children in debt..
So why 1978 4p to go 3 stops on a bus..30p zone ticket got you on trains and busses 1990s
Now £2.30 to go 3 stops on a bus
..And no BLAKEY
So do we have SOCIALISM or NOT ? if you say no why are you giving rich companies welfare?
I know for FACT the UK is the 1 of the best places EVER to do business
the rest have DICTATORS and governments who steal all the peoples monies ..
See the UK politicians steal little bits not like some countries leaders THEY ROB THE LOT
Leaving the country in a shit hole..WE THE UK are the best
TRUTH goes along way..
Plus our POLICE are very very hard to corrupt YOU will get some but not many ..
So be warned if you ever try and bribe a UK OFFICER
Your nicked
And with that fact and our UK BRAINS we the UK will THRIVE in business WATCH what we will do..
To the UK the eu is to hard for outsiders to trade OR are they just making it to hard for us to leave?..
So are they really our friends or just MONEY TAKERS? want our money ..
SO WHY WILL THE EU do free trade with other countries ?
You lot are bullying us BUT it's a JACK RUSSELL picking on a BRITISH BULLDOG
A BRITISH LION getting threatened by a DUCK
Now ok maybe not war in fighting war BUT lets have a trade war ..
You do what the EU needs to do to make the 27 countries a slave for the EU political elites pockets
and we the UK will sail the world for free trade..
The only trustworthy country on this planet is the UK we are the BEST..
You sign on the dotted line and we stick to it..
Like the EU says we owe all this monies BUT show NO paper work for all this monies we owe and why
we owe it
Now as junker been drinking the EU wine because my uncle when he was pissed would promise me the world only when the next day come he would say ARR i was drunk take no notice of me when
SO to the EU show LEGAL BILLS and we the UK will have to pay them we got no choice
But he said she said is ALL BULLSHIT..
Now he said JUNKER on wine is not a legal bill
So when we leave do you want FREE TRADE or Tariffs and boarders?..
Now you want tariffs we the UK get all the BUSINESS
Countries flock to countries with free trade and the fact most of the planet TALKS ENGLISH
UK get your working heads on we will thrive and the EU will be left behind..
So if the EU don't put tariffs on other nations out side the EU then why are you asking the UK?
so so friendly after all are you..JUST AFTER OUR MONIES
BYE BYE EU..Could save it though with a UNIVERSAL INCOME