the only one with any sense of business morality is Gaw
Everyone will sell you equipment at what they tell you is the best possible price and the price will drop even before the equipment arrives on your door step even if it only takes 3 to 5 days.
Get used to being treated like a Jon because they all lie in order to sell you equipment then drop the price on the equipment even before it arrives on your doorstep and then when you ask for a refund of the difference they go dead silent.
it's whores market - show them no respect because that's what they show you.
For the record, Gaw did the same thing. Ordered their rebranded scrypt miners and price drops before you get it.
In my business I let customers know that there are price drops imminent and have told many to wait a week or so before ordering. I'd rather have a long term loyal customer than a short term profit and a pissed off customer. There is not a bottomless well of potential customers in any business.