Why not go after the people who actually perpetrated the crime? What is the proper response, if not pushing back where you can? The other option presented was to go to the root of the problem. Money in politics? I'm not sure what everyone thinks the base cause is, but yes... for once, stop them from buying they way out of justice. I think a lot of the angst you see here is from the inequity of law. You steal from a bank you go to jail, bank steals from you maybe some fines are paid.
There has been no REAL line between banks and the rulers since at the very latest, 22 July 1944, and really I think 1913 is a better closure date from the complete miscegenation of government and bankster.
J.P. Morgan was openly trying for it before that, as were the Rockefellers, among others. John Maynard Keynes (who makes me wish I believed in an afterlife just so I could imagine him rotting in hell) published his General Theory of Economics in the early 30's, and catered to everything the governments wanted and that the central bankers wanted in his "theory". He even admitted, no, CROWED that it applied better to a totalitarian system than to a free market. He made it abundantly clear in his entire dealings and life that he simply didn't give a fuck about long term outcomes, his famous quote on it being "in the long run we're all dead.".
None of his "theories" hold water from an economic standpoint, but from the point of concentrating a huge amount of power in a very few hands, it's a marvelous idea.
Should any of you think that politicians have any goal aside from getting their hands on the levers of power, I suggest you hold your nose and get involved in the actual political process for a bit. I made that mistake in my youth. I recommend it whole heartedly to anyone who harbors any doubts about the nature of government and rulership. You will quickly discover, as I did, that a politician wants POWER over other humans like a drowning man wants air. Most of what they do in public is theater. They only care about the "people" in the sense that a rancher cares about his cattle. If even that much. They manipulate the currency that we use in order to gain the currency that THEY use, and in most of the West, that currency is YOUR vote.
Mine has been out of the system for the past decade. They have nothing I want.