If the business plans are public, id like to read them. Link, please?
Is this some kind of joke
Huh? Carlton said:
Any arguments that their plans to monetise aren't public are not credible. Plans are public
So, where are the plans?
This is the closest answer we could get at the moment which is, not much:
@5:45 What is Blockstream™'s revenue model?
That's a really good question, and I asked the same question when I went across to Blockstream™. How do you guys plan to make money off of this technology, this great core technology that you're doing? And really the idea is that someone has to build it to make sure its built properly. And if we're one of the leading experts in the world, there's always going to be a way to make revenue. Look at for example the Redhat model, establishing that you could do these great things, will lead to some-kind of revenue - now that's completely vague for me, but that is basically the idea. And also, you've got to put things in perspective, I'm just one employee, so that's the cost if their investment in lightning, just me.
@6:50 So they really turned around and told their investors "if you build it they will come, there's no idea right now this is how we're going to make money", but they know once it's built, the'll be a way?
Well, I didn't talk to the investors, I'm not that far up the food-chain.