We are using thousands Telegram account which registered with thousands virtual numbers, so the chance of block/ban/delete or flagged by scam is not our problem. It never been happened but In the worst case if this happens, our customers' business will not be affected and we will most likely lose only a few Telegram account which is related to us.
So how's the conversion, the community is advising against unsolicited messages and there are account settings that will not allow receiving of messages, I'm one of those who do not accept unsolicited emails, if not part of my contact.
I just hit block and delete for any incoming messages so that would be wasting a lot of 20 cents for every block message and there's no guarantee of conversion either.
Part of ethical business is avoiding spamming because it will harm the reputation of the projects, literally, you are promoting projects through spam which is not good.
This is a form of advertising, similar to all other advertisements on the web. Some people have issues with ads that play during YouTube videos, but can this type of advertising harm the credibility of that project which published ads? No.
On the contrary, it demonstrates that the project uses various advertising methods to showcase its products to the targeted community and people.
We will include your Telegram username in the private message ads so that users can connect with you. As a result, users can choose to establish contact with you or visit your website to utilize your product.
As a marketing manager, you need to have the ability to showcase your product to the right audience with the lowest possible cost and high returns. We have implemented this advertising model for several different projects and channels, and the results have been very positive and satisfactory.
It has helped projects secure funding in liquidity pools, crypto news and crypto signal channels, launchpad, CEX and yield farming etc.
Email marketing remains one of the top marketing channels because of the stability, control, and affordability it offers businesses. As an owned media channel, email marketing gives marketers more control over their messaging and the scope of their reach.Mar 15, 2023
SOURCESo compare Email marketing with our Telegram marketing. Users can check the message with just one click. Easy to use! Also Imagine the significantly positive impacts to the projects.