
Topic: Exiting the matrix / mainstream slavery grid (Read 788 times)

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September 11, 2011, 12:41:16 PM
ssaCEO is obviously very educated and brings up some very good points.  I have looked into these issues myself and lead a double or triple life.  That's all I'm going to say for now. Each one of the lives is good, harms no one, and is for good purpose, but there are reasons for separating them.

There are ways around this ring of commercial maritime law enslavement... but it's quite a bit to take on and your head might explode when you start to unravel the knots of the illusion..

I recommend these books if you want to take your head for a spin:

My review:

The fact that I am the first reviewer of this book either means that it is very new (I believe it was printed in 2008) or that people just aren't finding it because there are about 1000 other books that begin with "the book of secrets: yada yada some other subject".

This one, The Book of Secrets: Breaking The Chains Of Your Spiritual And Commercial Bondage (Volume 1), is about exactly that - first learning how most of the world lives in a fear based manipulated sheeple bondage state - how hierarchical systems, the media, the banking system, the private federal reserve, and the courts perpetuate this bondage state, and also this book covers monetary theory in great detail. Money is not really money at all, it has no value and is actually debt, backed against human capital - mainly YOU and your children, or anyone who has a birth certificate and even worse if you have a SS# or whatever #ID system dominates your part of the world. Many are now chipped or have chips in their drivers licenses and your cell phone is basically the same thing. But lets not get paranoid here.  This is about awakening and freeing, not more fear.

If you have gone down the dark road of studying monetary theory, you will most likely already know a lot of the material presented here, but this author presents it in a unique way, as a fictional narrative about someone who has ridden the corporate ladder, scraped and cheated his way to the top, and is disgusted with it all and his life and how the rat race never seems to end. This probably sounds like a lot of people you know, or maybe it sounds like you. This person meets an older man one night and forms a friendship, and as Morpheus does to Neo, this friend gives him a choice of 'knowing' what is really going on if he wants to. The main character in the book does want to know, and takes what we would say is the red pill.

If this is your first venture into such material, this may be a bit too much for you. You may not really be interested or prepared to hear about reiki healing or 'light beings' or just how ridiculously entrenched and deep the rabbit hole of control of people through banking, debt, propaganda and religion goes. You might want to put the book down and go, "oh come on... this is too much!!!" but if you do your fact checking, you will see that most of what the author reveals in this book has already been revealed and is in fact verifiable - at least in as far as the commercial code bondage goes. If you are not a spiritual (not religious - the author dislikes  religion and outs it for what it is, another control mechansim) person, you may have a hard time with some of this stuff, and if you are a devout catholic you will probably think Satan wrote this book. I assure you he did not, because he does not exist, at least not in the way the bible claims he does. If Satan does exist, he/she is simply another mask of God, and I'm not talking about old man white beard God. I'm talking about ALL, I'm talking about you - because ultimately all are ONE, and that is what this, and many other books are trying to get at, that so many people have a hard time getting.

I still recommend you read the book. Even if you're not quite ready to understand that you are GOD - as is everyone and everything else... well, then, skip that part and keep reading whatever holy book of stink you have been brainwashed to worship, but DO look into the monetary theory and history of banks seizing control and reporting to even larger organizations all the way up to the Vatican. Do your own homework and cross reference and check the actual laws, codes, court documents, and other books this book refers to. I already knew most of this stuff before reading this book but I had gathered it out of 20 or so other books and documents in pieces. This book really goes right to the meat and potatoes of what's going on and it may just be overwhelming for a neophyte to becoming aware of the world, the manipulators, but do not despair - ultimately you have much more control you have over your life than you might think.

That's what I enjoy most about this book. Unlike a lot of the other material I have read that has covered some of this stuff. I have studied monetary theory and this book is accurate on the subject - money is an illusion, and is actually debt fiat currency backed against your labor - but what do the banks put up for your labor? Nothing, they create money out of thin air - so, if you default on your loan say 10 years into it, you LOSE all that hard work you put into it, and the bank gets your house, but what does the bank put up that is equal to all your work? Nothing... a piece of paper... they type some numbers into their computer grid system and now you owe them that money or they get the house, car, or whatever else you put up as collateral. The bank itself puts up no real collateral, no real money, nothing of any true worth, they really do nothing except expertly perpetuate a system that is HIGHLY advantageous for them and highly disadvantageous for you, but they are so slick that they make you believe they are doing otherwise. It's an amazing powerful scam that started out with good intentions and turned into a corrupted power grab that spans the entire globe, controlled by three monetary districts that are their own countries not subject to the laws the common man is - but this book starts to explain to you the difference between your traped slave "strawman" incorporated name in all caps such as JOHN DUMB DOE that is basically an employee for the corporation known as the UNITED STATES, and the real natural human being you - that is SOVEREIGN and subject only to the laws of GOD and the universe, not the laws of banks. That natural human being actual uses their name as John Smart Doe, and the law DOES distinguish between the two. You'll notice on all your bank accounts and credit cards YOUR NAME IS IN ALL CAPS and that's not by accident. Of course, just knowing this does not mean you can instantly declare yourself SOVEREIGN and be done with it - you will be labeled a lunatic or have to go live on Sealand. BUT, there are things you can too to disentangle from the grid.

Also, when I say GOD here, I am not getting religious either, I mean GOD as however you define it. To me, it means all or one or infinite creative energy. I am not religious. Religion is another scam to put a middle man between you and your inner infinite creative divinity. Religion is here to part you away from your inner God / Goddess co creator spirit, and to yank some more cash and guilt out of you at the same time!

Now please don't start posting silly things like I must be a satanist or occultist playing with demons to say what I am saying and recommend this book. I am me, I am, and you are you, you are, but we are the same thing. It's such a simple thing but it takes many people a loooooong time to get. My hope is that this book can help some of you get it faster. I give it a 4 out of 5 because some of the writing gets a bit hokey and it jumps around unevenly between tons of information and then a lot of babble with the fictional story part... the characters also seem to be cracking open another wine or beer every other page - as if that is the only way to relax or wind down while having a good chat.  

That being said, these are minor quibbles that probably come from the author's background - but the information delivered here is still of great value, and can be checked out and verified by many sources, but don't take my word for it - you take the red pill yourself and YOU WAKE UP.

I already have.

See you on the other side,

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