nice movement today is impresive
hidden gem?
EXRNchain: Crosschain gateway to transact between different blockchains.
1. Creating EXRT token that will be paid as a reward to "holders" of EXRN.
This token will be used as fee and\or payment in the finished EXRN gateway. *DONE*
2. Development phase 1.
Goal: Connect 2 simple chains, without smart contract implementation.
3. Development phase 2.
Goal: Connecting multiple simple chains one-by-one.
(chain1 - EXRN - chain2 - EXRN - chain3).
4. Development phase 3-4.
As before it was all done with our testing accounts, at this point we are going to create smart contract to "trade" using the swaps by the current market prices. Meaning, we'll now need 2 sides to make crosschain transaction.
5. Development phase 5.
Implementing smart contract\dApps connection with EXRNchain gateway.
6. Development phase 6. Alpha release. (Q2 2018)
Release of development to the public and launch of "EXRNchain 0.1"