I am trying to extract the parameters of ECDSA signature used in bitcoin to run some tests. For that i need to obtain :
--- r and s , i.e., the ECDSA signature
--- H(m) , the hash of the message used to generate the ECDSA signature
--- the random integer k used in ECDSA signature generation,
this is, the k such that s = k*(H(m) + x*r) mod q where x is
the private key
I already was able to obtain the r and the s of a very specific type of block, the ones where len(inp.script_sig) == 214 ) and the public key as well.
So i need to obtain these parameters for all blocks. Also if someone knows how to do this for Ethereum and LiteCoin i'd appreciate you tell me.
from blockchain import blockexplorer
from binascii import unhexlify
from pyasn1.codec.der import decoder as asn1der
import time, os, codecs
import numpy as np
from bitcoin_tools.bitcoin_tools.core.transaction import TX
# returns the blocks of given day
# if day = 0 , returns blocks of today
# if day = 1 , returns blocks of yesterday , and so on ....
def getBlocksofDay( day ):
# get blocks from blockchain from given day
# if we want the day before just subtract 86400000
return blockexplorer.get_blocks(int(round(time.time() * 1000)) - 86400000*day)
# print SimpleBlock
def printSimpleBlock( block ):
print("\nHeight : ", block.height )
print("Hash : ", block.hash )
print("Time : ", block.time)
print("Main Chain :", block.main_chain, "\n" )
# print Block
def printBlock( block ):
print("\nHash : ", block.hash )
print("Version : ", block.version )
print("Previous Block : ", block.previous_block )
print("Merkle Root : ", block.merkle_root )
print("Time : ", block.time)
print("Bits : ", block.bits)
print("Fee : ", block.fee)
print("Nonce : ", block.nonce)
print("Number of transaction : ", block.n_tx)
print("Size : ", block.size )
print("Block Index : " , block.block_index )
print("Main Chain :", block.main_chain )
print("Height : ", block.height )
print("Received Time : ", block.received_time )
print("Relayed By : ", block.relayed_by )
if( block.n_tx > 50):
print("Transactions : NOT PRINTING TX TOO MANY \n" )
print("Transactions : ", block.transactions )
# print Transaction
def printTransaction( tx ):
print("\nDouble Spend : ", tx.double_spend )
print("Block height : ", tx.block_height )
print("Time : ", tx.time )
print("Relayed By : ", tx.relayed_by )
print("Hash : ", tx.hash )
print("Tx Index : " , tx.tx_index )
print("Version : ", tx.version )
print("Size : ", tx.size )
print("Inputs : ", tx.inputs )
print("Outputs : ", tx.outputs, "\n" )
# print Input
def printInput( inp ):
if( len(inp.script_sig) == 214 ):
print("\nN : ", inp.n )
print("Value : ", inp.value )
print("Address : ", inp.address )
print("Tx_Index : ", inp.tx_index )
print("Type : ", inp.type )
print("Script : ", inp.script )
print("Script_Sig : ", inp.script_sig )
print("Sequence : ", inp.sequence )
return 0
return -1
# print XPub
def printXPub( xpub ):
print("\nAddress : ", xpub.address)
print("Number of Transaction : ", xpub.n_tx )
print("Total Received : ", xpub.total_received / 100000000, "BTC" )
print("Total Sent : ", xpub.total_sent / 100000000, "BTC" )
print("Final Balance : ", xpub.final_balance )
print("Change Index : ", xpub.change_index )
print("Account Index : ", xpub.account_index, "\n\n" )
for tx in xpub.transactions:
def printR_S_PK(script_sig_hex):
#script_sig_hex is the scriptsig hex
values = asn1der.decode(unhexlify(script_sig_hex)[1:])
#R Value in int form
print( "\nR value:", values[0][0] )
#S Value in int form
print( "S value:", values[0][1] )
# X coordinate of Public Key
print( "X coordinate of PK:", int(values[1].hex()[4:],16) )
return [ int(values[1].hex()[6:],16), int(values[1].hex()[4:6],16), int(values[0][0]), int(values[0][1]) ]
#if __name__ == "__main__":
def getThemBlocks(day):
simpleBlocksofDay = getBlocksofDay(day)
pubKeys = np.array([[-1], [-1], [-1], [-1], [-1], [-1]])
print("LEN : ", len(simpleBlocksofDay), "\n")
# run through all blocks of this day
for block in [simpleBlocksofDay[0]]:
blocksofDay = blockexplorer.get_block( block.hash )
txs = blocksofDay.transactions
# run through all tx of this day
for txofDay in txs:
inpofTx = txofDay.inputs
# run through all inputs of this day
for inp in inpofTx:
# if input has format we want
if( printInput(inp) == 0 ):
numLines, numColumns = len(pubKeys), pubKeys[0].size
script_sig_hex = inp.script_sig
xC, sig, r, s = printR_S_PK(script_sig_hex)
aux = np.where(pubKeys[2]==xC)
columnToAdd = [ -1 for i in range(0,numLines) ]
columnToAdd[0], columnToAdd[1], columnToAdd[2], columnToAdd[3] = 6, 1, xC, sig
columnToAdd[4], columnToAdd[5] = r, s
lineToAdd = [ -1 for i in range(0,numColumns) ]
# xC it's not repeated
if( aux[0].size == 0 ):
pubKeys = np.c_[pubKeys, np.array(columnToAdd)]
# again xC it's not repeated
elif( (aux[0].size == 1) and (pubKeys[3][aux[0][0]] != sig) ):
pubKeys = np.c_[pubKeys, np.array(columnToAdd)]
# xC it's repeated
if( pubKeys[3][aux[0][0]] == sig ):
column = aux[0][0]
column = aux[0][1]
# need to add 2 new lines
if( pubKeys[0][column]+1 > numLines ):
aux = np.array(lineToAdd)
pubKeys = np.r_[pubKeys, [aux]]
pubKeys = np.r_[pubKeys, [aux]]
pubKeys = np.r_[pubKeys, [aux]]
line = pubKeys[0][column]
pubKeys[line][column] = r
pubKeys[line+1][column] = s
pubKeys[line+2][column] = txofDay.hash
# increase the number of elements in that columns by 2
pubKeys[0][column] += 3
# increase the number of signatures by 1
pubKeys[1][column] += 1
for j in range(1, pubKeys[0].size):
if(pubKeys[1][j] > 40):
for i in range(0, len(pubKeys)):
if __name__ == "__main__":
for i in range(0,3):
# First a transaction object is created (through the deserialize constructor) by deserializing the hex transaction we have selected.
hex_tx = "01000000013ca58d2f6fac36602d831ee0cf2bc80031c7472e80a322b57f614c5ce9142b7100000 0006b483045022100f0331d85cb7f7ec1bedc41f50c695d654489458e88aec0076fbad5d8aeda16 73022009e8ca2dda1d6a16bfd7133b0008720145dacccb35c0d5c9fc567e52f26ca5f7012103a16 4209a7c23227fcd6a71c51efc5b6eb25407f4faf06890f57908425255e42bffffffff0241a20000 000000001976a914e44839239ab36f5bc67b2079de00ecf587233ebe88ac7463000000000000197 6a914dc7016484646168d99e49f907c86c271299441c088ac00000000"
tx = TX.deserialize(hex_tx)
# Then, the transaction can be displayed using the display method to analyze how it's been constructed.