What some people said in this thread not true. Only data tells, top 20+ blocks with the most transactions were all mined by F2Pool. Top 1000+ blocks with the largest size in bytes were also all mined by F2Pool. We are helping the network a lot by confirming far less spams in compare to other pools. We do mine a small number of empty blocks, but despite of that, you tx is still mostly like to be confirmed by our pool than, say, Kano's. As Chairman Xi has taught us: 「有些吃飽了沒事幹的歪果仁,對我們的事情指手畫腳。我們一不輸出革命,二不輸出飢餓和貧困,三不去折騰你們,你們還有什麼好說的?」
Lulz you do realise how silly that comment is right?
You mine something like 40x the number of blocks kano.is does.
Guess what? Yes you confirm more transactions that kano.is does.
Wow that was unexpected ... ... ... ... ...
Try supplying some statistically useful information next time like your average block size or average number of transactions per block.
You know, the actual information that's relevant.
Here's some useful information
Last 80 block changes, comparing the time a pool found it vs the time other pools did their block change (seconds):
stratum.kano.is:3333 1.8629615643086
stratum.f2pool.com:3333 2.1109365130228
Yeah that says that kano.is, that does FULL block verification and produces blocks with transactions every time, put out the block change work FASTER than stratum.f2pool.com, that is SPV mining empty blocks.
Why are you SPV mining?
Seems you want to confirm an average LESS transactions per block.