I read the high level description, which told me absolutely nothing, so I just started to read the low level description, and it's not explained very well at all. After a few minutes of reading, this is what it appears to me so far:
r0ach: Whoever wrote this factcom consensus whitepaper was not good at explaining things, they shoveled in as much ambiguous, proprietary nomenclature as possible
r0ach: like "entry credits" and "factoids" and then don't really even properly define what those are without moving on
r0ach: Blurb, from what I gather so far from reading for 5 minutes, it sounds like factcom is DPoS, but then stores it's records on the BTC chain after something like
r0ach: 24 hours of DPoS consensus
r0ach: which is kind of pointless having 2 points of failure
r0ach: their system is a complete mess from reading so far, I'm trying to figure out the economic and security model right now
r0ach: seems like they ripped off Larimer DPoS without giving him any credit and just replaced words like "backup delegate" with "audit server"