Alright guys, thanks. Yeah, I already have a bunch of PSU's lying around (from S3's)... I'm honestly thinking of selling them off in favor of SP20's... So much freakin' headache to have to run a crap ton of Antminers.
I do have a couple other questions and I hope you guys can help. Does the SP20 have built-in wireless? And if it does, is it less advanced than setting it up on an Ant? I don't mind either way because I'd have many less units, but just curious...
Secondly... I believe for 1.7 TH/s, you need to be supplying the unit with about 300 watts in each 6 pin slot... Suppose I were using a CX750m for two of those... Power-wise, the PSU can handle it I think... But the problem that concerns me is the 8 pin to 6+2 pin connectors. They kind of daisy chain two 6 pin connectors to that. Now, I know I would have to use each 8 pin independantly, because those two 6 pin connectors would want 600 watts, so that's out. And I guess the SP20 can adapt, but like I said, I want max hashrate...
If I take one 6 pin from each of the two 8 pin connectors, will that single 6 pin on each connector be able to give 300 watts to each slot? I hope what I'm saying makes sense...
I mean, I know for a fact that a single 8 pin to 2x 6+2 can power an Antminer S1, S3 etc with no overclock (though the wires get warm) Of course, each blade is only 130 watts, so it's a combined 360. Fine... What I'm asking is, can one of those 6 pin connectors be capable of delivering 300 watts on it's own through one of the connectors? My Rosewill Photon came with 8 pin to single 6+2 pin connector, as opposed to the double ones... Would that be required? We already know the 8 pin can supply the power... But is the single connector tough enough for that current? If both are daisy chained and all that current is running into one connector, then into the other, I would think maybe so... But I'm not sure.
Sorry for the novel... I just wanna make sure I'm equipt for getting these units only to have them sit and have to mess with things for too long. :/
First, ignore the +2 pins on both end, they're just extra grounds. Second, a double cable would work, the problem is it would probably heat, then melt, then maybe fry your stuff. I believe the safe level is 190w each for double. In this case you definitively will want to only plug one 6 pin per cable.
For the 6 pins @ 300watts, it depend on the connectors and the cables themselves. If its 16AWG it should be fine, you can easily find out by just touching it after its been running for few. If its hot, then its not good. Basically avoid 18AWG wires if you want to run 300watts in a connector.
Keep checking every other week because if it heat up, it may get worse and worse.
I've had bad cables work fine, warm, then hot, then melted after 1.5 years of 250watts each.
Last thing to keep in mind, if your PSU is pulling 1200watts at the wall, its not running 300watts per pci-e, since you need to deduct the watts wasted by the PSU conversion and also the fan's usage.