Bitcasino is sending "fake" cease and desist letters to try and immorally censor me, as you can see in this document which they sent and is claiming I violate trademark laws, which is not true., trademarks must be filed in the relevant country in question of the trademark violation. It is not.
Furthermore, "Trademark infringement is the unauthorized use of a trademark or service mark (or a substantially similar mark) on competing or related goods and services." Which I am not doing in any way shape or form. I offer no service or product.
Furthermore, the trademark is for a word as it relates to a website, not a logo.
Also, all claims I've made have factual evidence to back them up.
This trademark trolling and continued attempted censorship should show that you should not do business with these people or any of their companies.
This company does not believe in free speech, in fact the opposite as we are seeing. They will try all immoral things to try and further their agenda. Would you trust them with your money?