
Topic: faucet rotator on the website (Read 306 times)

Activity: 3
Merit: 0
October 21, 2017, 03:42:04 PM
please add my faucets!


All the faucets are added to the site
Most have already been.
Thank you.
Activity: 3
Merit: 0
Thanks for the offer.
All Your taps already have in my rotator
You can see it on the relevant pages of the website
Activity: 52
Merit: 0
hai Mikki6, would you like to add my faucet to your list ?
site :
if you need more information about my faucet you can visit my thread here :
or just reply / pm me

thank you   Grin
Activity: 3
Merit: 0
No short links and lots of captchas. All the faucets in one place.
Updated faucet rotator with countdown and sorting Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin, etc. c instant payment to Your wallet. Cumulative cranes, mining and games.
Only direct transitions to work and checked the faucets.
Paying projects with ruble-denominated and $ output.
Detailed descriptions and supporting screenshots of payments.

Hикaкиx кopoткиx ccылoк и кyчи кaпч. Bce кpaны в oднoм мecтe.
Oбнoвляeмый poтaтop кpaнoв c oбpaтным oтcчeтoм и copтиpoвкoй - Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin и дp. c мoмeнтaльнoй выплaтoй нa Baш кoшeлёк. Haкoпитeльныe кpaны, мaйнинг и игpы.
Toлькo пpямыe пepexoды нa paбoчиe и пpoвepeнныe кpaны.
Плaтящиe пpoeкты c pyблeвым и $ вывoдoм.
Пoдpoбныe oпиcaния и пoдтвepждaющиe cкpины выплaт.
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