If you run a faucet, PTC, GPT website, you may know that FaucetPay has its own Ad Network for Publishers and Advertisers. The issue is that the majority of the ad revenue you get disappears into nothingness.
Here is the screenshot of recent rewards I got for clicks, that claims it was paid to me:
It claims that my total reward for that specific ad unit is:
$1.10 However, my USDT balance I haven't touched at all (no withdrawal, no direct deposit is:
0.36989819 USDT (and there is 0.0000 to withdraw from that ad), so where is 2/3 of ad earnings disappearing? Nobody knows...
Wanna contact support? Good luck with that because the form for opening support ticket doesn't work (it won't be submitted) and there is no any other way to contact them.
I know this is trivial issue in my case, but it might not be in case of others...