Couldn't this similarly be used for PoS transactions? For instance, you walk up to the cashier in a 7-11 to buy a candy bar. You pull out your phone, but you normally will have to wait 20 seconds for it to find peers and connect to them. Instead, the store's BTC-processor has a small wifi antenna with restricted network "BTC" -- you can instantly connect to it and send the tx to the 7-11 computer which will broadcast for you (assuming you have enough balance in your wallet already). Also, the 7-11 can be guaranteed to see the tx first, instead of having to wait for it to propagate around the world.
I guess all of this has to be considered in the context of: "is there a problem with accepting 'side-channel' tx-data?" I could see an attacker figuring out how to flood/DoS your client by throwing millions of tx's through the side-channel (if they can access it), but perhaps that side-channel can be treated just like another peer and cut-off if something suspicious is detected. I don't see any obvious reasons this would be a risky feature to add.
Alternatively (on the topic of non-instantaneous tx broadcasting)... what percentage of the "networking engine" would you need implemented in order to initiate a "light" connection to bitcoind through localhost? If tx-broadcasting is all I need, then I bet I could implement only a small subset of the networking protocol and still get bitcoind to accept my tx. It looks like I'd only have to implement a few messages for network version exchange, inv msg. I could skip bootstrapping/IRC, flood detection, peer DB building, etc.