
Topic: Feedback (Read 141 times)

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July 28, 2018, 12:39:40 PM
I apologize if there is a better forum for this post. Please move if needed.
I am also sorry if my information and understanding is inaccurate as I know zero about coding and I'm very new to bitcoin.
This is just general feedback after using the technology for 2 months. Going to try and keep this post as short as I can.

A friend and I once got into the discussion of bitcoin. "bitcoin is worthless, Imaginary. It is nothing but made up bits on a computer." He argued.
Him being a huge proponent of physical gold and silver proclaimed "Gold has real world value. It holds technological, medicinal, and Industrial uses. Bitcoin has no uses other than a store of value and even that value is made up."

I did feel my friend was speaking a lot of truth as I have always been a huge fan of precious medals and coins and an opponent of fiat or imaginary money. I had never done my own research at the time and didn't for many years until very recently. I decided to buy a little bit of Bitcoin out of curiosity. Still not having done my research I started to see the purchasing power of my bitcoin increase from a mere $100 dollars to $118 dollars worth in about a 2 week span I became increasingly interested. Studying every essay I could, watching the charts all day long, searching for any new article in the news to pop up. I have come to my own ideas and conclusions about bitcoin and would like to share my thoughts.

Bitcoin certainly does have real world application and value.
I no longer think of Bitcoin as just a currency. Much like gold, Bitcoin has many uses and is just essentially a platform.
In addition to decentralized currency Bitcoin can do cryptographically secure voting, smart contracts, transparent record keeping, and much more.
So now I would argue that there is in fact very important real world applications for the bitcoin technology. This along with scarcity is what gives bitcoin its hard value since no where else do these ingenious technologies exist or could exist.

The most important invention of humankind.
People say the internet has made the biggest impact on humans in all of history but I believe Bitcoin will replace the internet.
So how can Bitcoin which is used as currency replace the internet? Because Bitcoin is essentially just information shared peer to peer.
Bitcoin can be represented down to the level of a Satoshi or 1/100,000,000 of a bitcoin. In a future with much faster and cheaper transaction fees and better encryption, code could be sent through decimals of bitcoin. Instead of a subscription services with an ISP you could have a full peer to peer internet based on tiny transactions of bitcoin worth less than thousandths of a penny. minuscule amounts of bitcoin can be sent back and forth between two computers to share information. Say you want to use google. You send google an access amount it sends you back the google homepage. For every new webpage you view different amounts are sent back and forth. It sounds expensive with so much currency floating back and forth but the overall process would be insanely cheap. Cheaper than your monthly internet subscription by far. The best part? it is unhackable and cannot be shut down or controlled by a government body and is near free.

It will change the world.
If Bitcoin can do money, voting, contracts, public ledgers, and communications it is something so much bigger than anyone has realized thus far.
These traits alone have set the building blocks for a self governed free society. It is as if bitcoin could replace government or make it something far better. This sounds crazy right? Well certain political philosophies argue you could base entire societies off of contract law. We could be at a point in human history where we now control our own money, Information is accurate and free, and we can control our government or even lack there of. Any source of corruption will be ousted because the system does now allow it. The system It is based off of certain truth and cannot be altered. For a better idea and understanding of how this could work research Anarcho-capitalism and Agorism.

In Liberty
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