I am working on a decentralized property deed project. The abstract is:
In the same way that Bitcoin has proven useful for some to store savings and transact in a peer-to-peer network with no centralized authority, others may find a use for a decentralized, cryptographically secure proof of digital land ownership. In parts of the world with strong existing property rights systems this may have little value, but perhaps it could be adopted in areas which are more decentralized by nature. One would want to familiarize themselves with the Bitcoin whitepaper before reading this as it borrows and builds on many of the concepts found there.
I'd love to get feedback on it (probably picked apart as to why it won't work). I can send the whitepaper on telegram if interested.
Wonder what you mean by "which are more decentralized by nature". By the way, are you talking of ownership of physical or virtual lands?
Assuming it's about digitalization of physical land ownership in a way that allows quick transfer of ownership in digital world, I have wondered about that as well and concluded that it's better not to considered them (lands) as permanent properties. I'd probably try renting lands... "Owners" of the lands can consider renting the lands out, as long as they can, and they have the power to evict the occupiers once they misuse/abuse the lands. So, the abuse/misuse would need to be proven in good court.
"which are more decentralized by nature" - Perhaps nature is a confusing word to put in there. I was just speculating that this may be more useful initially in places with weaker centralized governance structures since they don't already have a history of land laws built up
"physical or virtual" - In some ways it is blending. But physical. In the way that the 2 acres I own that my house is on is recorded in a ledge in my town.
When you say you've considered them not as permanent properties, do you mean that you personally don't want to own? Or you think society is moving in a way that nobody will own land anymore? I think society is going to change radically with Bitcoin but don't think we will move away from physical land ownership. I just think as government changes how will this impact land ownership? I can't help but think if the threat of violence is removed from the national government then it works its way down to the landowners themselves if we don't have a better way of organizing it.