
Topic: Feel free to call me stupid. (Read 511 times)

hero member
Activity: 1246
Merit: 501
December 02, 2013, 10:43:49 AM
Try posting a new thread in the Alt-Coin sub-forum with details of what you've tried already.  Your question is not only off-topic, but it's also totally useless in that you haven't said what you already tried.
Activity: 52
Merit: 0
December 02, 2013, 10:36:57 AM
I have NO programing experince whatsoever. Ive been trying to get any scrypt miner working for me for almost 3 days and ive probably read 4 books worth of info in the attempt. I dont have some amazing setup or super awesome computer.

Is there anyone that can help me get started? Not looking for riches just to get started so i know what im doing if i try for more and bigger down tge road. I have a great ability for learnng but everything still confuses me.

Please help!
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