
Topic: Fiat currency and bond market it's like hot potato game (Read 49 times)

Activity: 910
Merit: 31
Looking for guilt best look first into a mirror
China sold Bonds, but it is not that nobody wants them

Quote from: bloomberg
Beijing offloaded a total of $53.3 billion of Treasuries and agency bonds combined in the first quarter, according to calculations based on the latest data from the US Department of the Treasury. Belgium, often seen as a custodian of China’s holdings, disposed of $22 billion of Treasuries during the period.  paywallfree.

There are hundreds of countries around with feeble money who gladly buy them.
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
Before You Start
Warm-up tossing the ball from player to player with safe throws (under-hand).
Have players form a circle or stand next to their desks
Review rules and boundaries.
Set Up
If playing in a classroom, push desks and chairs to make room to form a circle (if possible).

How to Play
Pass the ball around the circle or class without dropping the ball.
If someone drops it, they sit in the center (“hot potato soup” pot).
After the end of each round, increase the speed that the ball is tossed around the circle.
Play with other objects, such as a bean bag or frisbee to change the challenge.
Play a short song while the object is being passed. Whoever has the object at the end of the song goes into the center of the circle.
With younger players K to first grade, sit in a circle; start out first handing, then rolling a ball, then transition into tossing.
If you do not have music… Players sit in a circle and pass a ball in one direction. Players should pass the ball as quickly as possible with out throwing or dropping it. The whole group says the verse as the ball is passed. The player holding the ball when the verse ends must do 5 jumping jacks before returning to the game. Verse: “Pass the ball round and round. Pass is quickly or you’ll be found. If you’re the one to hold it last, you will owe 5 jumping jacks. You are it!”

That's our fiat currency and bonds because something what does not have value nobody don't want to hold it for long it's "hot potato" ...and currently usa china and all the others playing the game hot potato.
China want to sell USA bonds...but nobody don't want
It look like china is last guy on the block to holding junk like the financial Junk yard of USA yet the citizens of china cant argue because of restrictions in china and strong goverment in china.
All the war things west vs east it's exacly because of financial Junk like bonds and currencies flowing around like hot potatos
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