for bitcoin to be monitored closely, and regulated in such a way that noone can use it for malicious purposes. This will be evolution of bitcoin, and maybe then people stop
associating it only with bad things.
I think if the bitcoin lose the anonymity feature, no one will use it, or at least a good number of its supporters will stop using it. Fiat as well is used in illegal purposes long years before the bitcoin's creation, it's not fair to associate bad things with bitcoin, simply because bad things can easily be made through fiat, and it's already made with fiat
My friend, Bitcoin is far away from anonymous. Cash is 10 times more anonymous than Bitcoin. And trust me, if I would like to do something bad in the world, I would arrange to do this much rather by paying with cash than paying with Bitcoin.
Cash is pretty hard to get around the borders though.
Try bringing a million in cash from the USA to europe without raising any flags. Be it cash or a wire transfer.
Won't be an easy thing to do actually.
You are right there, so let me try and correct myself. I would use other methods to get my funds across the borders. Gold, platinum, Bitcoin, why not. Then I would get this any method into a cash, ok that can be Bitcoin as well.
And then I would still set up any deal in cash. I still claim that this is the least traceable way that leaves the least proves.