Hello Guys,
Is there any estimations or measures out there of how much fiat money influx got into the crypto-currency world?
I don't mean the market cap of bitcoin and others, I mean how much USD, EUR, CNY, ... got invested in buying bitcoin and others
I have been thinking about the price dynamics, and I am wondering what happens when enough traders/investors starting thinking to secure some of their profits in USD. More importantly, the hundreds of millions of dollar poured into ICOs in form of crypto-currency investments will be withdrawn in fiat currencies to fund the development of the respective projects.
So again, is there enough fiat currency supply or will the exchange plunge as people seek an exit?
Your help is much appreciated!
First of all, it's BILLIONS of dollars and secondly, exchanges always plunge as people seek an exit. It's part of the game. Some people are never able to sell and they end up holding the proverbial bag.
edit: you don't seem very fearless, Hannibal.